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第三部分  写作

第一节  短文改错

I am so exciting that I can't wait to share with you what I experienced today. I gave my first lesson in our school,which left me the deep impression.

When I entered into the classroom,my students began to make much noise. I stood on the platform,knowing what to do at first. But soon I realized everything must be done. I asked the kids that they liked English songs. They all say “Yes.” I sang a song I had practised many times. To my great surprise,all the kids turned their attentions to my class. From this experience I know however happens,we must stay calmly first and find a wise solution.

第二节 书面表达: (满分25分)


1. 端午节的时间和起源;

2. 主要庆祝活动方式;

3. 建议她品尝儋州、定安粽子,到澄迈县观看龙舟赛。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival    投江 drown oneself in river

粽子Zongzi                     糯米 glutinous rice

Dear Sara,

Knowing that your are interested in the Dragon Boat Festival in Hainan, _______



Wish you a pleasant journey around Hainan.


Li Hua


阅读理解:(每小题 2 分,共30分)

1-3 CBB    4~6   ABD   7-10 BDDC    11-15 DBFCG

完型填空:(每小题 1.5 分,共30分)

16-20 BADAC   21-25 DBCCB   26-30 DDABC   31-35 ACDBB


36. for   be thankful for“对……心存感激”。

37. what   what引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语。

38. to explain  ask sb to do“让某人做某事”。

39. replied 句子应用一般过去时,谓语用过去式。

40. while/as/because  while表示对比。或用as/because,表示嫉妒的原因。

41.where/so   where引导定语从句,修饰a farm。或用so,引导结果状语。

42. safer 由空后的large walls around our house和friends that will protect us之间的选择关系可知应用比较级。

43. Before 在旅行前,儿子认为自己家是富有的。

44. With  with在此表伴随。

45. speechless 儿子的话出乎父亲的意料,使父亲无言以对。speechless“无言的,不说话的”。


I am so exciting (改为excited) that I can't wait to share with you what I experienced today. I gave my first lesson in our school,which left me the(改为 a) deep impression.

When I entered into(删去into) the classroom,my students began to make much noise. I stood on the platform,∧not (加not)knowing what to do at first. But soon I realized everything (改为something) must be done. I asked the kids that (改为whether) they liked English songs. They all say (said)“Yes.”I sang a song I had practised many times. To my great surprise,all the kids turned their attentions(改为attention) to my class. From this experience I know however(改为whatever) happens,we must stay calmly(改为 calm )first and find a wise solution.


写作范文:Dear Sara,

Knowing that your are interested in the Dragon Boat Festival in Hainan, I am writing to tell you about it and give you some advice.

The Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on May 5th at lunar calendar, is an important Chinese festival in memory of a great poet named Qu Yuan. It is said that Qu Yan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River. Knowing him to be a good man, local people rowed boats along the river in search of him. They also threw rice into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu’s body. That’s why Chinese people celebrate the festival by eating Zongzi and holding dragon boat competitions.

Zongzi is a kind of dumpling made of glutinous rice with meat and eggs inside. The most famous Zongzi in Hainan are those made in Danzhou City and Ding’an County. I suggest you try some. I also recommend that you watch the grand dragon boat competition in Chengmai County. It is one of the most exciting competitions across Hainan. You won’t forget it.

Wish you a pleasant journey around Hainan.







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