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There is no such thing as “the perfect parent” and everyone has to learn how to educate their children. Parents may be annoyed by their kids and yell (大喊) at then, but they should be careful not to yell at the children.

Children need to be loved and cared for. They need positive encouragement, which will help them believe that they can succeed in their lives. This will also give them opportunities to explore and try out new things. If parents yell at their children, the emotional (感情的) development of them can be badly affected.

Though parents think they are protecting their children at all times, the children will not feel safe when they are yelled at. It can be a very bad experience for children. This can make it difficult for children to enjoy parents’ presence (在场) if they are being yelled at.

A person needs to be a good listener and also should learn to give others a chance to talk. When a child grows up with parents who often yell, this will not happen. When parents often yell, their children will also learn the same thing and they will find it natural not to listen to anyone.

The confidence (自信) of a child is built up by his or her parents. There is no doubt that yelling will only decrease their confidence level. The words used while yelling can affect them greatly. They will not want to do anything without asking for their parents’ permission.

12. According to Paragraph 2, if a child is often yelled at, he/she will _______.

A. have many bad experiences       B. learn to yell at others pretty soon

C. suffer poor emotional development     D. want to escape from his or her home

13. Paragraph 3 shows that the children who are often yelled at are hard to feel _______.

A. protected     B. safe      C. parents’ presence   D. self-confidence

14. What can be inferred from the last paragraph about the children who are often yelled at?

A. They try their best to be confident.

B. They doubt everything around them,[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]

C. They are not able to make their own decisions.

D. They will become dangerous to others.

15. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Be a perfect parent

B. Don’t yell at your children

C. Parents should learn how to educate the children

D. Parents should protect their children

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Some people go through life positively.    16    Luckily, you can learn to become positive. If you become more positive, things will become brighter day by day. It’s not because things are any better, but because how you look at them will change. Here are a few things positive people do differently.

They find something to look forward to every day. Whether it’s catching up on a favorite TV show, trying out a new dessert recipe, or having a phone conversation with a friend in another town, these things don’t have to be big.    17   .

18    Joy isn’t so hard to find. You can even find joy in the tiniest things — a funny text from a friend or a beautiful sunny day — because it adds up. Soon, you won’t have to stop and smell the roses because you’ll be smelling them all the time. So learn to enjoy the small things in your life.

They stay busy. Being busy doesn’t mean living under much stress.    19    It means having som ething to look forward to every day. Start a hobby. Fill your weekends with your hobby. Remember, living your life to the fullest is up to you.

20    When in doubt, choose kindness. Positive people look on the bright side, sure, but they also tend to pay it forward by passing on their positive energy to others. Giving is generous, but it also makes the giver feel even better. Now that’s a win-win. Be kind to others and others will treat you in the same way. And your days will be much better.

A. It means filling your life with good activities.

B. They celebrate small things.

C. They are kind.

D. They do something for fun.

E. Kindness is most important.

F. Having activities to expect will make you happy every day.

G. But not all of us were born to be positive.

第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Last month, I was on a business trip in Las Vegas. While I was there, I often   21   a homeless man named Paul on the street. I noticed That Paul had been reading a(n)   22   book every time I walked by. I thought he must love   23   very much.

Out of curiosity, I decided to go up and   24   to him. I asked him if he liked books. As I   25  , Paul nodded his head. However, what he said later made me   26  . He said that he had been   27   reading that book for a while.

I decided to do something for him. That day, I was   28   my Kindle. Without any thought of   29  , I decided to give it to him and teach him how to   30   it. Paul couldn’t believe his eyes. H e   31   took it. In the following days, I witnessed(见证)firsthand how much Paul   32   the product.

One day, I took a picture of a   33   in which Paul was reading on his Kindle, and   34   it on Reddit the following day. The   35   photo received 2 million reviews on the Internet. It brought me a lot of   36   to see someone get so much from something I took for granted.

37   I left Las Vegas, the Kindle had been already stocked with around 300   38  . And I gave Paul a card with a(n)   39   where he can send the product if he needs more reading materials. To be honest, if I can help someone   40   their courage for life in any way, I always try to do my best. Remember, we can not only help ourselves, but also help others.


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