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2016年暑假已经到来,家长在在暑假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 高中频道为大家提供了高一年级暑假英语作业填空题,供大家参考。

Unit 2

1.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight.

2.Rice, noodles and bread all belong to e_______-giving foods.

3.When having dinner, I like to eat c__________ instead of m__________.

4.Wu must keep the b_______ of nature.

5. C_________ drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant.

6. Scientist are doing some r________ to find the cause of the disease.

7. There are usually a lot of c_________ in the KFC.

8. Both of the two restaurants have their s________ and w__________, so they decided to c___________ them together into a larger one.

9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word.

10. Time is l________. We need to be hurry.

11. Knowledge can be of a great b_______ to everybody.

12. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room.

13. Some food is high in fibre which is good for d___________.

Unit 3

1.Smoking is not p__________ in our school.

2.He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his p__________ during the journey.

3.The reason he gave to a________ for his absence was unbelievable.

4.As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his a______________.

5.To be h_________, I have no money on me.

6. To do this work well needs some  p_________.

7. He was so hungry that he order a thick s________ and a glass of beer for lunch.

8. It's good m________ to say good-bye to the host when leaving.

9. Seeing the snake, she couldn’t help s____________.

10. In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to walk s_________ to s___________.

11. His family is quite rich, so they hire a s_________ to do the housework.

12. Don't be r_______ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.

13. He was popular because of his sense of h_________.

14. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a________ in the corner of the room.

15. We don't like him because he is always j________ of other's success.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的高一年级暑假英语作业填空题,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读!





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