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I'm a high school teacher and work in a small school. I will welcome each student in the hallway (走廊) by their names at least 1.________ (two) every week. Some students are going to leave school for 2.________ (far) study. So they are becoming very sad.

Today a girl stopped me and asked 3.________ I could wait a minute. I said yes and then she handed me 4.________ envelope. In it was a thank-you note. In the note, she said that she wanted to thank me for talking to her. I remembered asking her 5.________ she lived and what books she had read. This student was a shy and 6.________ (silence) person. It was hard 7.________ her to get used to school life, because there were so many people in one building.

Her note meant so much to me and I couldn't help 8.________ (cry). At the same time, I was very happy because she 9.________ (spend) time and energy doing things that all students would be able to do. Whenever I think about this I will smile. I love teaching and I am so lucky 10.________ (be) able to be a teacher. What a lovely gift I received from this student.

第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分3)


People go to university as different reasons.  Some want to gather experience to prepare for their careers.  Other want to develop a variety of interests to benefiting them later in life.  Whatever goals he or she have, university education plays an important role in person’s life.  As for my ideal university, I hope that I can make some real friends but that we can laugh and cry together.  I hope it that my university can have a good atmosphere for study.  I hope that one day, which I have to say goodbye to my university, I can proud say that I have learned a lot. So let’s work hard and cherish your upcoming university years.


假如你将参加学校的英语演讲比赛,请以 “Reading more or Traveling more?” 以题,根据以下要点写一篇英语短文。


1.     有人认为多读书重要,可以积累知识,学习新的技能.

2.     有人认为多旅行重要,能够开拓视野,令人放松。

3.     你的看法。

注意:1. 词数120左右,开头已写好,不计入总词数。

2. 对所给要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

Different people have different opinions on how to get acquainted with the world we live in more efficiently. By reading more books or by traveling more?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分分)




1.B 文章讲述的是比“听”音乐更进一步的“学习”音乐知识。B项正确。

2.C 第二段讲摇滚乐起源于布鲁斯音乐,而布鲁斯音乐是美国黑奴表达情感的一种音乐。C项才是正确答案。

3.A 从最后一段第一句可知,A项正确。

4.B “你欠自己对音乐的学习”言外之意就是告诉读者好好学习了解音乐。B项正确。

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)




第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分)




1-5 ABCDB    6-0 CDACD   11-15 ABDAB    16-20 CABCD



1.twice 2.further 3.if/whether 4.an

5.where 6.silent 7.for .crying 9.spent 0.to be

第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分3)



1)as--for  2)Other—Others或加people 3)benefiting--benefit  4)have---has  5)在in后加a

6)but---and  7)it去掉  8)which---when   9)proud---proudly  10)your---our


One possible version:

Different people have different opinions on how to get acquainted with the world we live in more efficiently. By reading more books or by traveling more? The topic has aroused many people’s attention.

Many people maintain that reading is more meaningful than traveling. Through reading, we can learn a lot about history, cultures and customs, gain much new knowledge that will be useful for our life and work. Some other people, however, believe that traveling enlightens human beings more directly. It helps expand our horizons and makes us see the world by our own eyes to get the first hand understanding. Besides, it’s more relaxing.

As for me, the former view makes more sense. Although traveling is a good way to know one’s country and the world, it takes more time and costs more than average people can afford. Whereas, reading is obviously easier to do, books can bring us anywhere we want.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的高一年级英语暑假作业布置,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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