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下面就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的“2015年高一英语暑假作业答案(合订本)”供大家参考,不断进步,学习更上一层楼。


1. I could _______ by the way she walked that her knee was still bothering her.

A. separate        B. tell       C. find       D. divide

2.______ in a well-known university is what everybody wishes for.

A. Educated                           B. Being educated

C. To educate                          D. Educating

3.His classmates offered him their congratulations ______ his successful performance.

A. at      B. on        C. for        D. of

4. _______every member has arrived, let’s set about _____ the plan for the next five years.

A. Since; to work out                   B. Because; work out

C. Now that; working out                D. For; work out

5. Here are the first three books of his poem works, with the fourth one to _____ next month.

A. come out      B. publish       C. replace        D. work out

6. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only _______ .

A. anxiously       B. occasionally      C. urgently        D. hopefully

7. His English is improving _______, which makes both his parents and his teacher happy.

A. now and then                        B. little by little

C. sooner or later                       D. one after another

8. It is surprising that such a young boy can swim ______ the river ______ 100 meters wide.

A. over; measured                       B. across; measuring

C. across; measures                      D. through; measuring

9. Li Ming is a student who is easy _____ though he has some trouble _____ his lessons.

A. to be got along with; in                B. to get along with; with

C. to get along; in                       D. getting along with; with

10. I thought he would offer to pick me up. _______, he even refused me when I asked him to do so.

A. In other words                     B. Otherwise

C. What’s more                       D. However

11. It suddenly ________ me how we could improve the situation.

A. got          B. struck       C. beat         D. occurred

12. Seeing the ______ sight, the girl was nearly _______ to death.

A. terrifying; terrifying                B. terrified; terrified

C. terrifying; terrified                 D. terrified; terrifying

13. _____ in a heavy snow, he didn’t get there in time.

A. Catching         B. Catch     C. Caught    D. To catch

14.Don’t blame yourself too much. Everyone has his ______ and weaknesses.

A. powers         B. strengths     C. forces     D. energies

15. The reason _____ he was late for the meeting was ____ he was held up by traffic jam during rush hours.

A. why; because                B. that; that

C. why; that                   D. that; because

16. The child ______ in the countryside knows how to _____ animals like dogs, pigs and so on.

A. raised; bring up               B. brought up; raise

C. fed; raise                     D. fed up; bring up

17. Scientists said that the winter of 2011 was _____ cold, and in fact it was much colder than predicted.

A. frozen        B. freezing          C. freezingly          D. froze

18. A local woman didn’t _______ her tears when she saw her store destroyed by the fire.

A. hold out        B. hold back         C. hold up           D. hold on

19. The fact that she was foreign made ______ difficult for her to get a job in that country.

A. this           B. that          C. her          D. it

本文由威廉希尔app 为您提供供广大考生参考学习,希望对大家有所帮助,高中频道推荐。


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