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42. A. went B. fell C. rolled D. jumped

43. A. back B. foot C. top D. edge

44. A. doctors B. villagers C. visitors D. patients

45. A. yard B. wheelchair C. garden D. room

46. A. packed B. threw C. handed D. showed

47. A. raised B. dropped C. shook D. swung(摇摆)

48. A. years B. weeks C. minutes D. days

49. A. put B. sped C. pulled D. dragged

50. A. waved B. danced C. circled D. ran

51. A. money B. food C. gifts D. flowers

52. A. sick B. weak C. kind D. lonely

53. A. Surely B. Besides C. However D. Generally

54. A. daughter B. aunt C. mother D. sister

55. A. grown B. planted C. decorated D. painted

第二节 Most Beautiful of All

56 . Autumn was in the air. Rich, pleasant reds, painted by nature’s hand, were coloring some of the trees. On the ground a carpet of dry leaves had begun to form along the path. 57 . High in the sky we noticed a V-shaped flock of birds heading south for the winter. As we walked along, I smiled. Beauty was all around us. It felt so good to be out in nature. I felt blessed to be watching nature’s glorious creation at its best.

58 . She was an elderly lady with gray hair. She wore old jeans and work boots. Her sweater was worn out in places. She was carrying a trash bag in one hand and a pointed stick with a nail driven through it in the other. As she slowly made her way towards us, she stopped to jab (刺) a piece of trash that she had seen on the ground with her stick. 59 . When we met she smiled and said hello to us. Her teeth were cracked and worn, but her voice was as youthful as I had heard in many a day. We talked for a bit and I thanked her for making our nature more beautiful with her work. She smiled again and said, “I just do what I can before continuing down the path.”

60 . May we all have as lovely a life as her.

A. They smelled wonderful and crunched (发出碎裂声) under our feet as we walked along.

B. Then, she approached and asked us whether we had any trash.

C. I decided to take my sons for a walk the other day.

D. As is often the case, we are too busy to find the beauty of nature.

E. As we turned a corner along the walking trail, I noticed a woman slowly making her way towards us.

F. Of all the things I saw that day, she was the most beautiful.

G. Then, quickly and neatly, she placed it in the trash bag.


第三部分 英语知识运用(共10小题看,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Every year,approximately 1.6 million tons of soil flows into Yellow River, China’s second 61 (long) river. The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area. Over time,a lot of soil 62 (remove),which has caused serious erosion of the land 63 the River. In some areas in Shaanxi Province,this has destroyed almost all the land, and has forced many local farmers 64 (move) to other areas.

65 is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion. Many people believe this kind of work is best done by government or international 66 (organize). You may agree with this point of view. If 67 , it is time for you to think again.

In fact,it is you 68 have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion. Did you know the importance of your 5 yuan? For a start, it can buy you a tree, 69 will help make soil stay on the land. On land with rich soil, local farmers can grow crops to make 70 living, with the money they earn from their crops,farmers buy goods or services. This helps to develop local economies.






完形填空:36-40 DBDDC 41-45 BACDB 46-50 CACCA 51-55 DDBCB

阅读选择填空: 56-60 CAEGF

语法填空:61.longest 62. has been removed 63. along 64. to move

65.It 66. organizations 67. so 68. who /that

69.which 70. a


71. heavy→heavily 72. arrive→arrived 73.usually→usual

74. exciting→excited 75. him→ them 76. calling→ called

77. prepared后加for 78. what→which/that 79. but→and

80. 去掉can后的 to


Nowadays it is usual for students to find part-time jobs. During this past summer holidays, I once worked as a waiter at a McDonald’s. At first I could not stand the hard work. But as time went on, I came to realize that I did a meaningful thing. First I earned some money by myself. Today some of us keep on asking parents for money, but now I don’t have to do so. And I began to learn about the value of money.

Besides, I also learned how to get along with others. It gets me prepared for my future work, so getting a part-time job is necessary for us.

That’s all. Thank you.






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