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1. ... very clever.    very前加is

2. ... to the school ...  去掉the

3. ... teach herself ...              herself → her

4. ... studies hardly ...          hardly → hard

... English homeworks ...         homeworks → homework

6. ... how I learned ...              how → why

7. You would find ...              would → will

8. ... a bridge for ...             for → to

9... English, either.              either → too

10. ... but her parents ...              but → and


In our daily life, we will meet with so many difficulties and hardships, as a result of which some may be disappointed and lose heart, while others may give up the hope of success. However, when you are unlucky to be in a hard situation and have to put up with the long dark night, what really counts and can let you enjoy your bright day, in my opinion, is nothing else but your attitude.

I once took part in a speech contest. So difficult was the topic that I completely had no idea about it. Even the time for preparation was so limited. I felt hopeless and wanted to give up. But deep in my heart I didn’t want to be a coward. So I recovered my courage and took the contest seriously. I kept on reminding myself, “If I try my best, I wont’ feel regretful, whatever the result is.” In the following days I struggled for my goal. In the end, my efforts paid off. I won the first prize, which was much better than I had expected.

Although the course of preparing for the contest was painful, I think I made a wise decision for I didn’t give up even when I was in the so-called “dark night”. So bravely face your difficulties, and your “bright day” is just around the corner.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年高一英语暑假作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝同学们学习进步。





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