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A. buying...looking B. having bought...to look

C. buying...to have looked D. buying...to look

42.In some countries people favor ____ together even though there is much more space.

A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed

43.“Why was Fred so upset?”“He isn‘t used ____ criticized.”

A. be B. to be C. to being D. having been

44. It‘s no use ____ to get a bargain these days.

A. to expect B. expecting C. wanting D. you expect

45.“Why were you so late for work today?”“____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.”

A. Driving B. I drove C. To drive D. That I drove

46.It was impolite of him ____without ____good-bye.

A. to leave, saying B. leaving, to say C. to leave, to say D. leaving, saying

47. He kept ____to his parents.

A. putting off to write B. to put off to write C. putting off writing D. to put off writing

48.I‘ll go with you after I get through with ____the house.

A. cleaning B. to cleaning C. to be cleaned D. having cleaned

49. With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn‘t resist ____four pounds.

A. to take B. took C. taking D. have taken

50.How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?

A. run B. to run C. running D. being run

答案:1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.C 41.D 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.C


必修5-1:A Strange Disease


When the construction of the firework factory came to the stage of painting, a pump was put in. Then, all the painters in the neighbourhood were defeated by a severe disease whose characteristic was alike to that of a bad burn.

An expert physician was instructed to attend to the victims and handle this case. He was enthusiastic, but he didn’t foresee that it was a hard challenge. After simple enquiry, he announced that the polluted paint was to blame. But without positive evidence, people suspected and rejected his view, saying the theory he put forward made no sense. Being much more strict with himself, he contributed himself to the case. Apart from making enquiries, he made detailed charts and analysed the data cautiously. Finally, he drew a scientific conclusion, linking the disease to the radium in the pump. Exposed to radium, a kind of radioactive material in the universe, people absorbed radiation and got sick immediately.

Spinning the pump backward, he took away the radium. This simple movement cured all the victims.





必修5-2:Sightseeing in the United Kingdom


After the wedding, my cousin and his wife went to the United Kingdom for nationwide sightseeing. He faxed a letter to me in English yesterday. To my delight, he no longer made any tense error. And his description roughly clarified my questions about the UK--its currency, its administration, the institution which divides it into four provinces, and the historical conflicts and quarrels when Southern Ireland broke away from the UK.

Unwilling to leave out any attraction, my cousin arranged his enjoyable journey carefully. One attractive place he visited was a castle in the countryside of Scotland, which lies near a port. It used to be the headquarters of the Communism Union but broke down during the war. Finding nothing could take the place of this splendid architecture, people accomplished rebuilding it in 1952. It was to their credit that all furnished rooms are consistent with what they used to be. My cousin was thrilled by its collections consisting of statues plus royal uniforms folded in glass tanks. Though there was no possibility to buy some of these exhibits, it was convenient to take photos, which he sent me along with his fax.



必修5-3:An Air Crash


I was a previous typist in a post office. Because I couldn’t tolerate typing any more postage bills or postcodes on a typewriter every day, I resigned. With a greedy motivation of making big money, I took up working as a business representative for the G.E Ecology Company, which produced goods by recycling useful materials from our dustbins. My new job left me good impressions in many aspects except that the working timetable was full of traveling by jets.

Once, when speeding up, our jet was swallowed by a thunderstorm, which destroyed our GPS receiver and made us lose sight of the directions. A constantly flashing light showed that our jet was in danger. A steward instantly asked us to put on masks and fasten the safety belts, and then pressed a button to switch on the escaping capsule. It slid sideways out of the opening at once and landed in a desert area safely. Lacking food and tablets, we were nervous and uncertain at first. But we all kept optimistic and made good adjustment to the situation. We swept up the surrounding mud to make our settlement and were back on our feet soon. Finally, guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some local citizens came by carriages and saved us.




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