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A. while B. that C. when D. as

6. A computer can only do _______ you have instructed it to do.

A. how B. after C. what D. when

7. It is a common belief _______ teenagers today know about computers and are familiar ______ using them in all aspects of life.

A. that; out B. what; with C. that; with D. what; about

Don’t leave for tomorrow _______ you can do today.

A. if B. what C. that D. unless

9. Was it because it rained yesterday ______ he didn’t come?

A. why B. when C. then D. that

10. ______ all the inventions have in common is ______ they have succeeded.

A. What; what B. That; that C. What; that D. That; that

11. --- What clothes should we wear to attend the ball?

--- Dress _______ you like.

A. what B. however C. whatever D. how

12. ________ has ridden on a railway train knows how _____ another train flashes by when it is traveling in the opposite direction.

A. Anyone who; rapid B. Whoever; rapidly C. Anything; rapid D. Whatever; rapidly

13. We believe _______ you have devoted yourself ________ sure to come true.

A. that; is B. all that; to be C. that all; are D. what; to is

14. You may give the film ticket to _______ you think needs it.

A. no matter who B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter whom

15. Was it in 1998, when he was still at middle school, ______ this boy became expert at computer?

A. which B. where C. when D. that

16. It was ______ he came to Macao ______ he knew what kind of place it was.

A. that; when B. until; that C. not until; when D. not until; that

17. All finished, we sat down to enjoy ______ we thought the most delicious dinner.

A. that B. which C. what D. it

18. It was not until he explained it a second time _______ it.

A. when we understood B. that we understood

C. did we understand D. that did we understand

19. The Beaches held _____ they called “family day” once each year.

A. that B. which C. what D. when

20. --- How did he fail the examination?

--- It was because he was too careless _______ he made so many mistakes.

A. therefore B. that C. so that D. so

21. In some countries, ______ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights fro all people.

A. that B. what C. which D. how

22. --- ______ helps others will be helped.

--- So I’ll be thankful to and try to help _______ has helped us.

A. Whoever; whomever B. Whoever; whoever

C. Who; whoever D. Who; whomever

23. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _______ worries the public.

A. why B. which C. that D. what

24. It was not until dark _______ he found ________ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.

A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that

25. The question came up at the meeting _______ we had enough money for our research.

A. that B. what C. which D. whether

26. _______ she was invited to the ball made her very happy.

A. If B. That C. When D. Because

______ we are doing has never been done before.

A. That B. What C. Which D. Whether

Scientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and _______ more than 10,000 years ago.

A. this is Alaska B. Alaska is now C. is now Alaska D. what is now Alaska

Please tell me ______ you would like to have your coffee ---- black or white?

A. what B. where C. which D. how

Many workers were organized to clear away _______ remained of the World Trade center.

A. those B. that C. what D. where


1-5 CDBAB 6-10 CCBDC 11-15 BBDCD 16-20 DCBCB 21-25 BBDAD 26-30 BBDDC


1. Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A.has been fined B. to have been fined C. to be fined D. being fined

2. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____ from you sometime.

A. to have heard B. to hear C. for hearing D. hearing

3. The thief took away the woman‘s wallet without____.

A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him

4. People appreciate ____wit him because he has a good sense of humor.

A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. have working

5. I‘ve enjoyed ____ to talk with you.

A. to be able B. being able C. to been able D. of being able

6. No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.

A. to be influenced B. being influenced C. influencing D. having influenced

7. They are considering ____ before the prices go up.

A. of buying the house B. with buying the house C. buying the house D. to buy the house

8. He thought that ____.

A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job

C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job

9. If I had remembered ____ the door, the things would not have been stolen.

A. to lock B. locking C. to have locked D. having locked

10. Your shirt needs ____. You‘d better have it done today.

A. iron B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed

11. You can‘t help ____ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.


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