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8. He is l__________ to come, but I’m not sure.

9. In g____________, men are usual taller than women.

10. Be careful to a_________ making the same mistake.

11. Speak clearly, or you’ll make your m_______________.

12. This question is s_____________ to that, so we can solve it easily.

13. F___________ expressions can have a lot of meanings.

14. Some deaf people make themselves understood by g______________.

15. He was p_____________by his parents for telling lies.

Unit 5

1. There is a _________(多样) of goods in the supermarket.

2. Classes or other groups can get the group ____________(入场费) rate if they let Futuroscope know their plans in advance.

3. Usually, we will buy a lot of ___________(纪念品) when visiting a place of interest.

4. BMW is a famous car ___________(品牌).

5. The equipments for teaching in our school are very _____________(先进的).

6. In some culture theme parks, you can have pictures taken in the clothing of __________(少数民族) people.

7. He likes to _________(逗…乐) his friends with some jokes.

8. You are likely to get lost while travelling in the ___________(丛林).

9. This kind of shirt is made of a special kind of ____________(布料).

10. My wish is to be a ____________(译者) in the future, so I must learn English hard now.



unit 1

1. starved 2. plenty 3. ancestors, satisfied 4. arrival 5. national

6. independence 7. agricultural 8. customs, European 9. watermelon

10. handsome 11. admire 12. energetic, permission 13. drowning

14. obvious 15. forgive

unit 2

1. diet 2. energy 3. cucumbers, mushrooms 4. balance 5. Curiously

6. research 7. customers 8. strengths, weaknesses, combine 9. glaring

10. limited 11. benefit 12. sighed 13. digestion

unit 3

1. permitted 2. passage 3. account 4. appearance 5. honest

6. patience 7. steak 8. manners 9. screaming 10. shoulder, shoulder

11. servant 12, rude 13. humour 14. accident 15. jealous

unit 4

1. violent 2. oxygen 3. surface 4. harmful 5. development 6. Generally

7. spread 8. prevented 9. depends 10. presence 11. disappointed 12. published

13. gravity 14. Gradually 15. floating

unit 5

1. Minister 2. Pacific 3. continents 4. eastward 5. surrounded 6. harbour

7. extremely 8. settled 9. gift 10. within 11. slight 12. figure

13. officials 14. terrifying, terrified 15, distance 16. frost 17. downtown

18. dawn


Unit 1

1. achieved 2. conditions 3. connections 4.campaigns 5. organization

6. specialist devotes 7. behaviours 8. worthwhile observing

9. respect 10. argue 11. Inspired determined 12. support

13. striking 14. articles 15. explain 16. medical 17. consideration

18. delivered 19. considerate

Unit 2

1. hunger 2. sunburnt 3. struggling 4. expand 5. circulate

6. equipped 7. exported 8. suitable 9. referring 10. confuse

11. reducing 12. supplied 13. summary 14. exchange 15. certain

Unit 3

1. cruel 2. content 3. astonished astonishing 4. particular 5. entertain

6. throughout 7. homeless 8. worn-out 9. Failure 10. difficulty

11. overcome 12. fortunate 13. snowstorm 14. started directed

15. mountainous 16. whispered

Unit 4

1. majored 2. local 3. curious 4. introduced 5. approaching

6. touched 7. expressed 8. likely 9. general 10. avoid

11. misunderstood 12. similar 13. Facial 14. gestures 15. punished

Unit 5

1. variety 2. charged 3. admission 4. profit 5. souvenirs

6. brand 7. equipment advanced 8. experiment 9. minority

10. athlete 11. amuse 12. jungle 13. techniques 14. cloth 15. translator



1.There are three bedrooms in the house,_____ is Mary's.

A the smallest of which B the smaller of which

C the smallest of them D the smallest one

2.The Greens will move into the new house next Monday,_____ it will be completely finished.

A by the time B by which time C by that time D by this time

3.Alice has a large collection of phone,_____ was taken in London.

A none of them B no one of which C all of which D none of which

4.With the fast development of agriculture, the people ____ village I taught before lived a happy life.

A who B whose C in whose D in which


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