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13. I doubt whether on earth there is any medicine that makes people clever in the world.

14. It is hard to estimate how long the Iraq War will last.

15. That the prices of oil went up/ rose rapidly has greatly affected the world economy.

16. Do you find/ think it sensible for young people to borrow money to buy cars?

17. I greatly admire the disabled athletes who (have) won honour for our country.

18. As long as terrorism exists, there will be no peace in the world.

19. To my great anger, some bosses often make the workers from the countryside work day and night.

20. Who will do physical work from now on if everybody wants to be a white-collar worker?

21. I think there will be a day when digital cameras will substitute for traditional ones.

( Or: I think digital cameras will substitute for traditional ones one day.)

22. Twenty years ago, nobody could expect that air-conditioners would be popular with the families in Shanghai.

23. More and more people hope to be close to nature during the holidays.

24. Nowadays many small satellites are named after the people who have made outstanding contributions to the society.

25. That some young people are wandering in the society all day has become a serious social problem.

26. The old scientist appealed that the government should take measures to protect that old town.

27. The South Korean government encourages people to buy the cars and domestic appliances produced by native companies.

28. Never can we forget the disasters which Japanese invader brought to the Chinese people during the Second World War.

29. To my surprise, the machine which was made sixty years ago is still in use in this factory.

30. Every consumer should know how to protect his own legal rights.

31. It is harmful to people's health to take in too much salt and sugar every day.

(Or: If you take in too much salt and sugar every day, it is harmful to your health.)

32. Only after he (had) suffered from a serious disease did his grandfather make up his mind to give up smoking.

33. The reason why more and more restaurants exist is that many people won't / are not willing to do cooking by themselves after a day's hard work.

34. What the old need most is that their children show much concern to them.

35. Besides textbooks, students should read a variety of books more often in their spare time.

36. Do you think television has become an essential part of people's daily life?

37. It is estimated that there will be an extreme lack of electricity in many areas in China in the summer next year.

38. Obviously more and more Americans begin/ are beginning to worry about their own safety.

39. It is difficult for the people from Guangzhou to adapt themselves/ be adapted to the climate of the north, especially in winter.

40. The wrinkles in the face of the grey-haired old man shows that he has suffered a lot in his life.

41. Before I had time to check what I had written in the exam, the bell rang.

42. Judging from his performance in the job interview, he is qualified for this post.

43. Have you regretted wasting/ having wasted so much time playing video-games in the past few years?

44. Turning off the lights before leaving proves to be an effective measure of saving electricity.

45. If everybody shows a bit love to the others, our society will become better.

46. He decided to improve his reading comprehension in English by reading China Daily every day.

47. You will live longer if you take a walk after a meal, which is reasonable in science.

48. Life is priceless, so we should save not properties but people when disasters occur.

49. The spirit and courage which the Chinese athletes showed in the Olympic Games have greatly inspired the people of the whole country.

50. I think the reason why he failed to learn English well is that he lacked perseverance.

51. The Greek government did everything possible to ensure that the Olympic Games would go on smoothly.

52. We should take every difficulty we might meet into full consideration before we act.

53. All the shops are required not to sell any cigarettes to the people under eighteen.

54. He claimed to the police that he knew nothing about what (had) happened that night.

55. Nowadays a variety of useful information in the computer is available to everybody.

56. The idea that a person wants to succeed without making any effort is ridiculous.

57. He fought against the bad man without considering his own safety, which required great courage.

58. We should call on the students to learn from his sense of responsibility in the work.

59. At the moment what is the most important is to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible.

60. While a citizen enjoys his rights, he should keep his duties in mind.

61. Today it is even more expensive for a Shanghainese to make a trip to the west of China than to some of the Southeast Asian countries.

62. The economy of China increases by about eight percent every year, which shocks many economists in the world.

63. What moved us deeply was that he was still concerned about the experiment in progress when he was seriously ill.

64. Spoiling children too much does no good to their growth.

65. We have determination and ability to build our motherland into a powerful country.

66. It is said that it was common that the children in Shanghai were dressed in old mended clothes thirty years ago.

67. If you had paid attention to protecting your teeth when you were young, you would not often suffer from tooth-ache now.

68. The government demanded that the citizens should save every drop of water in their daily life.

69. Although the prices of medicine have been reduced several times ,many people still find it difficult to afford it.

70. Generally speaking, cheap goods are usually poor in quality, but it is not necessarily true.

71. To his great disappointment, the plane had taken off when he hurried to the airport.

72. The map which is marked with the locations of all the toilets in Shanghai is popular with the taxi drivers.

73. It was his interest in physics that made the old scientist engaged in scientific research all his life.

74. You didn't inform him where the meeting would be held beforehand, did you?

75. Let me summarize the points of view that all the people gave on this matter.

76. Those who work in the office all day long should take an active part in sports.

77. If you want to study in an American university , you'd better apply for a scholarship first.

78. If a healthy person donates blood once a year, it won't do any harm to his health.

79. About thirty percent of the university students intend to buy cars after they have worked for three years.


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