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1. importance 2. angrily 3. northern 4. endangered 5. incorrect

6. dishonest 7. visitors 8. snowstorm 9. provides 10. impossible


1. in the southwest of China 2. one of the longest rivers 3. stronger and stronger and more and more beautiful 4. make dishonest friends 5. importance of learning English

6. will be unwelcome 7. the nature reserves; wildlife 8. interested in the interesting story 9. carful; is doing his homework carefully 10. to be a writer; grows up


1. will leave/leaves 2. is 3. will be 4. will come 5. will begin 6. shone

7. gets; will catch 8. will fly 9. Stepping 10. not to play


1. well 2. strongly 3. high 4. hard 5. healthily 6. finally

7. litter 8. frighten 9. return 10. early


1. direction 2. serious 3. locked 4. excuses 5. accident 6. caused

7. over 8. everywhere 9. temperature 10. cover


1. natural 2. shaking 3. wildly 4. snowy 5. foggy 6. trapped

7. loudly 8. advice 9. arrival 10. warning


1. carried the swimmers off 2. do with 3. drop to 4. one by one 5. called; called; with 6. lost; in the wind; had to; in the rainstorm 7. arrived at; sent; patient to

8. sounds like 9. think to myself 10. screamed; pieces of; fell down


1. natural 2. temperature 3. accident 4. rainstorm 5. over 6. really

7. shopping 8. frightened 9. wildly 10. directions 11. women; singers 12. foggy


1. to go 2. was 3. might 4. tried 5. was reading 6. not to cry.

7. called 8. were discussing


1. surprised 2. luckiest 3. unkind 4. pollution 5. wives 6. sadly 7. just

8. married 9. necessary 10. service


1. learn about; past; present 2. been in use 3. has turned into 4. In fact; primary

5. Has; heard from; recently 6. have been; changes


1. have known 2. have learned 3. has forgotten 4. has been 5. haven’t finished

6. have seen 7. have had 8. Have travelled 9. have eaten 10. was


1. symbol 2. shiny 3. conference 4. include 5. programmes

6. officials 7. excitement 8. abroad 9. harmless 10. endless

11. pleasant 12. magic 13. marriage 14. hopeless 15. meaning

16. tie 17. careless 18. keep 19. check 20. interested


1. has been 2. won’t waste 3. clapping 4. has finished 5. to spend

6. Has repaired 7. has got 8. did 9. are watching 10. to put

1. has been back for two months 2. has been away from; five days ago

3. planning to travel abroad 4. because it moves at high speed

5. is different from that in Beijing


1-5: C B A D B 6-10 A A A A D


1. has been turned 2. is used 3. is organized 4. are designed 5. was taken

6. were built 7. is taught 8. have been sold out 9. was put out

10. is made 11. was checked 12. are printed


1. cheering 2. the winners 3. final 4. supporters 5. receiving

6. made 7. playing 8. amazing 9. has already come out

10. is designed by 11. the lead role 12. have been sold out


1. are told 2. will be put 3. be sent 4. are sold 5. is made; is made 6. was given

7. Can be taken 8. is cleaned 9. can’t be seen 10. have been watered 11. are made

12. are grown 13. is learned 14. are used 15. was built 16. mustn’t be put

17. will be drawn 18. can be made 19. opens 20. didn’t have 21. had learned

22. has been 23. Have seen; saw 24. has lived 25. is singing


1. charities 2. among 3. protect 4. invited 5. aloud; noise 6. Donations

7. support; businesses 8. public 9. audience 10. arranged 11. stuck

12. company 13. donating 14. goods



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