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以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高中一年级英语暑假作业,关于第三单元质量检测试题及答案,希望可以解决您所遇到的问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。




1.item    A.[´aitəm]    B.[´itəm]     C.[´aitem]   D.[i´tem]                                                                                 2.attitude  A.[﹑æti´tju:d] B.[ ə´t ait u:d] C. [ ´ætitju:d] D.[ ətai´tu:d]

3.reliable  A.[ re´laiəbl] B.[ri´laiəbl] C. [reli´eibl]  D.[ ri´liəbl]

4.expression A.[ i k´spreʃn] B.[ ek´spreʃn] C. [´ikspreʃn] D.[´ekspreʃn]

5 schedule  A. [´skedʒul]B. [ʃi: dju: l]C. [ske´dʒul]D. [´ʃi: du: l]


—Hello,Lisa,do you like watching TV ?

—Yes,very much .My mother always says I spend too much time on it.

—6.__we should finish our homework ,and then help our parents with housework.

—7.__ but sometimes it’s too hard for me.I even can′t help thinking of those good TV programs when I have to do my homework.

—Really ? 8.__ what kind of programs do you like to watch ?


—Movies ? By the way , if you are not busy this weekend,would you like to go to see a movie in the theatre?

—Sounds good.10.__

—Do you like Zhen Zidan? Let′s go to see his Ye Wen 2.

—All right. Let′meet at five o′clock on Saturday.

A.So do you my parents.

B.You are keen on TV.

C.What shall we see?

D.Maybe you are right.

E.I really don′t like doing housework.

F.I like watching wonderful movies.

G.My mother doesn′t allow me to watch TV.


11  I have never dreamed of ______such a beautiful place in the world.

A. there is    B. there to be   C. there being   D. having

12.  You can’t be ______ when you camp _____ an high altitude, where the air is thin.

A. enough careful; at   B. too careful; at  C. careful enough; on  D. too careful; on

13.  We have to ______ a time to discuss the matter again.

A. make    B. schedule   C. have   D. create

14.  You have to keep on learning if you want to keep ______ with the development of modern science and technology.

A. peace    B. touch   C. pace   D. connect

15.  It might be very difficult to find the ____ of the information.

A.  cause   B.  resource  C.  source   D.  course

16. _____, you have studied very hard; on the other (hand)

you have not learned as much as you need.

A.  Instead              B.  On the one hand

C.  Though             D.  First of all

17. I _____ him carefully, because he was so angry.

A.  dealt     B.  did      C.  handled   D.  exchanged

18. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him

______ telling lies.

A.  keep away from      B.  keep away with

C.  get away from        D.  get away with

19. -______ for Beijing?

-Yes, and I’ll come back in two months.

A.  Have you left           B.  Are you leaving

C.  Do you leave           D.  Did you leave

20. E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part

in daily communication.

A.  is playing           B.  have played

C.  are playing          D.  play

21.We look forward to the day when the car will be replaced by some less dangerous ______ of transport.

A. methods  B. means  C. manners  D. ways

22.Please ____ me _______ your wife and children.

A. remind, to  B. remember, of  C. remember, to   D. remind, of

23. .We won’t have meat for lunch, we’ll have fish ________.

A. instead of   B. instead  C. in place  D. in the place

24.  Is it true that light travels in a straight line and never ______ ______ it hits something that reflects it.

A.  turns; until   B.  bends; unless   C.  breaks; when   D.  changes; until

25.  The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.

A.  has seen; be set up               B.  had seen; be set up

C.  saw; would be set up             D.  should see; should be set up


The captain of a ship and a merchant (商人) were friends. The merchant had a young son, who wanted to be a sailor (水手), so the captain took him for voyages (航海) in his 26 .

One day when the captain had come from a  27 with a lot of money, the merchant told him that the price of iron(铁) had 28  and suggested that he should buy some with his money. “I’ll   29it for you in my storehouse   30  you return from your next voyage, and perhaps you’ll get  31 money.”

But while the captain was away, the price of iron went up very  32  , so the merchant sold it and kept the money. When the captain came back, his  33 friend told him that he was very sorry and the rots (老鼠) had  34  all the iron.

The captain knew that his friend was  35 lies, but he stayed  36_and said, “I knew that you had problems  37 rats in your storehouse.”

After a few days, the captain started  38  voyage, and when he returned home, he said to the merchant, “I’m very sorry, but  39our voyage a bird came down and carried, your son away.”

The merchant was very  40 and said, “Birds cannot carry boys!” “And 41 can rats eat iron,” answered the captain. The merchant took the captain to a  42  , who said, “The merchant must 43the captain the money which he got when he  44 the iron, and then the captain must  55 the merchant’s son back to him.”

26. A. car     B. cart    C. ship       D. plane

27. A. voyage  B. travel  C. business   D. visit

28. A. fallen   B. changed  C. widened   D. risen

29. A. keep     B. hide     C. hold      D. put

30. A. when     B. since    C. after    D. until

31. A. many     B. more     C. a bit     D. less

32. A. slowly   B. low      C. little   D. high

33. A. dishonest B. honest  C. real    D. former

34. A.sold   B. borrowed  C. eaten    D. destroyed

35. A. talking    B. making  C. telling  D. saying

36. A. friendly   B. calm     C. quiet    D. angry

37. A. about      B. in       C. on      D. with

38. A. another    B. next     C. the other D. other

39. A. while      B. after    C. during    D. before

40. A. boring  B. puzzled   C. angry     D. frightened

41. A. yet    B. neither     C. so         D. either

42. A. lawyer  B. manager    C. child     D. judge

43. A. return    B. give        C. offer       D. lend

44. A. kept     B. bought     C. sold        D. stole

45. A. bring     B. fetch       C. carry       D. catch



Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province, will be supplied with more water this summer. Water from the Shitouhe River, 140 kilometres west of Xi’an, is planned to flow into the city in early June, adding 350,000 tons of water per day for industrial use. With 200,000 tons of water a day already supplied by the existing project drawing water from the Heihe River, Xi’an will get a total of one million tons of water per day this summer, which can basically meet the city’s demands.

Xi’an, with a population of more than three million, needs one million tons of water supply a day for industrial and drinking use. However, it is only supplied with 700,000 tons of water a day at present, 500,000 tons from underground and 200,000 tons from the Heihe River.

Last summer,  Xi'an suffered its worst water shortage ever, getting just half the amount it needed. More than 40 large-scale factories had to cut back on water use, and many people had to line up at midnight to get drinking water.

Project Heihe started in 1989 and its first stage was completed. It has received I.I billion yuan and still needs another billion to reach its planned supply of 1. 1 million tons of water a day. Combined with the 500,000 tons of underground water the city already gets, Xi’an will have much more water than it needs. Statistics suggest that industrial and commercial(商业的) companies use more than half of Xi’an’s water. So those factories have been asked to take water-saving measures using technology. About three quarters of the water used by them is reused. A citywide movement to save water has also started.

46. Xi’an needs at least____ tons of water per year.

A.  127,750,000     B.  200,750,000

C.  365,000,000     D.  255,500,000

47. At present, the water Xi’an needs is from______.

A.  the Heihe River      B.  the Shitouhe River

C.  the Heihe River and underground

D.  Both A and B.

48. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Part of Project Heihe has been completed.

B. Water from the Shitouhe River has already been drawn into Xi’an.

C. It will take another billion yuan to complete Project Heihe.

D. About half of the water needed by Xi’an is from underground.

49. With a large population of more than 3 million, Xi’an has about half of the water used ____.

A.  for drinking     B.  by industry

C.  for farming      D.  by factories

50. This passage is mainly about how to ___.

A.  solve the water shortage problem in Xi’an

B.  draw water from the Shitouhe River into Xi’an

C.  complete Project Heihe

D.  reuse water


He worked in a big factory. I had seen him for years but I never paid any attention to him. He was a little bit strange, I think. He always wore an old red hat and he always carried a rubbish bag. He usually spend his break time and his lunchtime walking around in that old big factory to collect the unused tins. Whether it is hot or cold, he is always there.

Today, I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory when this “tin man”came with his bag.  As usual ,he picked up the tins. The manager was standing there to watch me. He was worried that the broken machine would influence the production in the factory.

When I finished my work,I heard my manager asking the “tin man” about what he’ s going to do with those tins that he has collected. Surprisingly, this “tin man” answered,“I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has been ill and can not work.”

I was so surprised to hear that, so I asked him ,“You mean you collect all those tins just help your neighbor?”

“I know this does not help much,”he said. “But I give everything to him, because he can not work.”

Right in that factory, I found myself so small in front of him.  This tin man who only wore a T-shirt and an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag really changed me.

It was the most beautiful moment in my life,which had made me humble every day in my lifetime.

51.Why did the man collect the unused tins in that factory?

A.He wanted to exercise by walking around

B.He tried to cause the manager  s attention

C.He wanted to give his neighbor a hand

D.He wanted to protect the environment

52.What did the author think of the man when he knew the truth?

A.Kind  B. Careful   C. Hard-working   D. Polite


The May Day holiday gives Chinese families a good chance to travel and leave behind the daily routine(日常琐事).

When the seven-day vacation was first put in place in 2000, groups ofChinesetourists went to the mountains “to see temples and get off buses to take photos”. However, as Chinese travellers diversified(使多样化) their interests, more and more people decided to travel on their own.

Millions of families with their own cars prefer to travel by car.

Cui Xiaotang, a career(职业) woman, and her two friends left from Beijing Saturday in a car. They did not have a firm destination but drove southwards. “Maybe when there is no road for cars, we will stop and stay one night in a local farmer’s house,” Cui said excitedly about her plan.

Exchanges between north and south and between cities and rural areas are two trends emerging(出现) during the holiday.

Northerners can enjoy the beauty of southern rivers, while southerners can travel to cooler parts of the country.

While millions of travellers made their way to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, people there decided to go somewhere else.

A large number of tourists join groups with plans to travel abroad. Every year, those groups go farther and farther away. There are also those, however, who choose to stay where they are.

Sun Bin, a graduate student representing a large number of “stayers”, chose the simplest way to avoid tourist crowds during the holiday. “I’d rather stay in the Beijing Library for the seven days to read National Geographic magazine. I have the whole world in my mind but avoid queuing up in the airport,” he said.

53. More and more people would like to travel on their own, because ______.

A. they have more money

B. they have their own cars

C. they don’t like traveling with strangers

D. they have their own interests

54. The underlined word “stayers” refers to those who ______.

A. choose to stay where they are

B. choose to stay in the library

C. go home during the holiday

D. stay in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou

55. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.  Some people would like to travel abroad during the May Day holiday.

B. Some people would like to take adventure travel.

C. People with their own cars would like to travel on their own.

D.  Some people would like to go to rural areas to have a taste of country lifestyle.


Americans like to travel on their yearly holiday. Today, more and more travelers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns (客栈) instead of hotels. They get a room for the night and the breakfast the next morning.

Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been popular with travelers in Europe for many years. In the past five to ten years, these bed-and-breakfast places have become popular in the United States. Many of these America’s bed-and-breakfast inns have only a few rooms, others are much larger. Some inns do not provide telephones or televisions in the rooms, others do.

Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much less. Staying at an inn is almost like visiting someone’s home. The owners are glad to tell about the areas and the interesting places to visit. Many vacationers say that they enjoy the chance to meet local families.

56.Americans take a holiday trip _____.

A. all the year round     B. for years

C. every year             D. every other year

57.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT ture?

A.Some Americans like to stay at bed-and-breakfast homes instead of at hotels.

B.The bed-and-breakfast inns are private homes opened to vacationers.

C.The bed-and-breakfast inns have been popular in America for a long time.

D. The bed-and-breakfast inns owners provide a morning meal for their visitors and a room for the night.

58.Why do American travelers prefer staying at bed-and-breakfast inns?

A.It is like visiting someone’s home.

B.The money they spend there is much less.

C.They can meet local families.

D.All of the above

59.Staying at the bed-and-breakfast inns, _____.

A.The travelers needn’t pay anything

B.The travelers don’t have to pay for the telephone or television.

C.The travelers can meet and talk with the local people.

D.The owners will show the travelers around the area

60. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.European and American vacationers like staying at bed-and-breakfast inns.

B.All Americans enjoy traveling.

C.These bed-and-breakfast inns are all old historic buildings.

D.All American like Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inns is just like at the traveler’s home


Sandy is at home. She is now calling Lisa, her classmate.

Sandy: Hi, Lisa. Have you finished helping your parents?

Lisa:  I finished cleaning the living room a little while ago, but I haven’t   61 ____          cleaned my bedroom yet.

Sandy:  I know what you mean. 62____    Do you think you’ll be finished soon?

Lisa:  I should be done in about an hour.

Sandy:  63_____

Lisa:  I did the English homework last night.

64 _____ I don’t understand it.

Sandy:  Me neither. 65_____  We can help each other work it out.

Lisa:  OK. Then we can go and have our hair cut.

Sandy:  Great. See you in a little while.

A. I don’t math at all.

B. But I haven’t started my math yet.

C. Housework is tiring, and I’m tired

D. What do you think we should do then?

E. Why don’t we so it together this afternoon?

F. Have you looked at Monday’s homework yet

G. I also hate doing the cleaning around the house.

七、 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

66.To our happiness,the law was __(最终)passed on May 5.

67.We should try and __(组织)our time better.

68.We are going on a __(旅行)to a strange country.

69.Most of our luggage was __(运送)by sea.

70.I__(更喜欢)the quiet life in the countryside.

71.My little sister __(劝说)her to see doctor this afternoon.

72.My little sister__(毕业)from Harvard last year.

73.My car is not as __(可靠的)as it used to be.

74.As you get older, your __(态度)towards death changes.

75.They found the body buried ----(在下面)a pile of leaves.


Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention, please?             76. _________

On Saturday, July 27th, there will have a few visits 77. _________ to different places. Everyone

is welcomed. All the visitors                     78.

will be separated into four groups. Each group of 79. _________

visitors can visit one of the place—a factory,

a farm, a                                        80. _________

school or a hospital. Please you sign

your name at the                                81. _________

Service Desk before 9:00 a .m. and say what place  82. ___  ____

you wish to visit. We’ll set out after the breakfast   83. _________

at 8 and we will return in the afternoon. We will  84. _________

have lunch at place of visit.                   85. _________

We hope you a pleasant journey. That’s all.

Thank you.





Dear Mary,

How are you doing these days ? __







七、 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)




1-5 ACBAA 6-10 ADBFC 7-15 CBBCC 16-20 BCDBA 21-25 ACBBB

26-30 CAAAD 31-35 BDACC 36-40 BDACB 41-45 BDBCA

46-50 CCBAA  51-52 CB  53 -56 DAB   57-60 CCDCA

60-65 CGFBE  66 finally  67 organize  68 journey  69 transported  70 prefer 71 persuade 72 graduated 73 reliable  74 attitude  75 beneath

76.have→be  77.welcomed→welcome   78.separated→divided   79.place→places   80.去掉you 81.what→which  82.去掉the   83.√ 84.place前加the   85.hope→wish

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高中一年级英语暑假作业,关于第三单元质量检测试题及答案,希望对您有所帮助,最后祝同学们学习进步。





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