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高英语参考答案听力:阅读理解(15×2=30):29—31 DAD 32—35 CADB

七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 ABFDC

完形填空×1.5=30):41—45 BCDAC 46—50 BDCAD 51—55 CABCD 56—60 BABCD

×1.5=15): 61. arrival 62. whom 63. wandering 64. whether 65. of

66. dressed 67. a 68. determination 69. traditional 70. It

单词拼写(10×1=10): 71. harvest 72.diet 73. patience 74. climate 75. impressed

76. Childhood 77. equipped 78. ordinary 79. hugged/embraced

80. central

短文改错0×1=10): When Joe left university, he got a good job in a bike factory. After work there


for some years, he decided to have ∧change. But he put a notice in several newspapers, saying

a So

what experience he had and the kind of job he would like to have. One of the answers he accepted


was from a man looked for a job, too. This man wrote to him, “Dear sir, when you get a new job,


to be kind enough to give my name and address toward your present boss, as I have been trying to


find a position like you for a long time.” After he reads the letter, he suddenly realized

yours read

what he had done was real foolish.


书面表达 (25分):

One possible version:

Dear John,

I’m glad to write to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival to you.

The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. As a festival with a historical origin, it is celebrated in honour of Qu Yuan, a great poet and a devoted official who killed himself by drowning in a river. Only at this festival do people eat zong zi, which is meant to prevent the poet against being eaten. The dragon-boat races are another central feature of the festival. Thousands of people are attracted to enjoy the feast of excitement in dragon boat races. With the development of society, we also do some other activities such as hiking and visiting our relatives or friends.

Best wishes. (114)


Li Hua













第五档:(21—25分):观点观确,陈述合理,极少语言错误,很好地完成了试题规定的任务。附: 听力材料

Text 1

M: It’s Tom, Mum. I’ll be home late. I’m caught in the heavy traffic.

W: Oh, it’s a pity that you’ll miss the basketball match tonight. Hopefully, you carried your umbrella. It’s going to rain.Text 2

M: Good morning, Mrs. Page. How’s your arm?

W: Oh, it’s all right. I’ve already forgotten about it! It’s my neck that hurts! Look, Doctor! I can’t turn my head!

M: Let’s have a look. Sit down over here, please.

Text 3

W: The ticket for the concert is too expensive! Thirty pounds!

M: Yes, it isn’t cheap. Last year the tickets were only twenty-three pounds. So are you going to stay at home?

W: No, I’m going to the school play. The ticket is just three pounds.

Text 4

M: Gill, guess who I saw yesterday in the museum shop! Your cousin — the one who was working at that health club last summer …

W: Tom?! At the museum? That’s impossible! He’s working in a post office in London now. He hardly ever comes home.

Text 5

W: Would you like to book another driving lesson for Friday, Rob?

M: I’ll be away for a camp. Is Saturday any good?

W: Let me check. Ah, I’m sorry I’m not free then. What about next Monday?

M: Fine. Perhaps Dad will let me practice in his car at the weekend.

Text 6

W: Hi, Tom. I’ll have to leave school at the end of the first lesson to see a doctor.

M: So you’ll be here for maths?

W: That’s right, but not for art. I’ll be back at school for geography so I’ll see you there.

M: OK. Did you do your art homework? I can give it to the teacher for you.

W: That’s great. Thank you.

Text 7

W: Daddy, I’m back. What’s the result of the football game?

M: Good news! My favourite team won. Did you and Mum have a good shopping trip? Did you get your new school dress?

W: No, they didn’t have my size. But I found this great jacket — look!

M: Very nice! So what did you buy for me? You know I need a new sweater.

W: Sorry, Dad. Mum bought a hat, but there’s nothing for you!

Text 8

M: Hello, is that Anna? This is Colin.

W: Hi, Colin, how are you?

M: I’m OK, but I’m looking for a summer holiday job. I’m wondering if you can help.

W: Are you? My dad needs another assistant in his shop.

M: Working with you? Tell me something about the job.

W: Well, it’s full-time, five days a week, during my whole summer holiday. I get four pounds fifty an hour, but at first you’ll get four pounds. Some people get five pounds.

M: Is there somewhere to eat near the shop, or do you take something from home for your lunch?

W: Most days I take sandwiches from home. There’s a park around the corner and I usually eat them in the park.

M: Perhaps I’ll go to see your dad. Where is the shop exactly?

W: It’s in Pine Street.

M: Thanks, Anna. Goodbye. Wish me luck!

Text 9

M: It’s Grandpa’s birthday next week. We must have a surprise party!

W: A party? Do you like loud music, and food everywhere?

M: Well, but Grandpa will like. You know he’s a jazz fan.

W: OK. Where will we have it?

M: Hm, our house, I suppose. Hotels are expensive — and it’s too cold for a garden party at this time of year.

W: What food shall we have?

M: Oh, I’ll make some pizzas, and I’m sure grandma will make a birthday cake. Would you like to make some salads?

W: Yes. OK. And what present can I give him?

M: Let’s think. I’m giving him a scarf and I know grandpa has bought a hat last month, so not those. What about a book? He reads a lot.

W: OK. Oh, when will the party be?

M: Well, his birthday’s on Thursday, so we could do it on Friday — no, Saturday. That’s the best day for a party.

Text 10

W: Hello. This is a recorded message from the Cambridge Sports Centre. There is nobody here to speak to you right now, but please listen to this important information.

The centre is open Monday to Friday from eight o’clock in the morning until ten at night and from 9:00 in the morning until 7 in the evening on Saturdays and Sundays. Many sports are available here, for example, basketball, tennis and football. And considering the popularity of tennis last year, we have increased 2 coaches this year. You don’t need your own equipment, because we have equipment for you and you can check the prices on the notice board. But you’d better bring your own drinks.

If you buy a six-month season ticket for fifty pounds, we have a special gift for you. With your six-month ticket, we will give you a free T-shirt from our new sports clothes shop. And one more thing to remember: we can only accept credit card bookings. It’ll be more convenient than by check and you don’t have to take too much cash on you.

Thank you for calling the Cambridge Sports Centre. See you soon!





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