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为了帮助考生们了解高中知识点,威廉希尔app 在暑假期间为大家分享了高一英语暑假作业之完形填空,供您参考练习!

Adam, a young man who had good academic grades, went to apply for a management position in a big company. The director did the last ¬¬¬ 36 .

The director asked, “Who paid for your school fees?”Adam answered, “My ¬¬¬ 37 did. When I was young, my father ¬¬¬ 38 .” Then he continued, “¬¬¬ ¬¬¬ 39 was your mother?” Adam answered, “My mother worked as a ¬¬¬ 40 cleaner.” Hearing this, the director asked Adam to ¬¬¬ 41 his hands. Adam reached out his hands that were ¬¬¬ 42 and perfect. The director said, “I have a ¬¬¬ 43 . When you go home, clean your mother’s hands and see me tomorrow.”

Adam felt ¬¬¬ 44 but did it. His tears fell ¬¬¬ 45 he cleaned his mother’s hands. He noticed for the first time that her hands were so ¬¬¬ 46 . Also Adam ¬¬¬ 47 that it was this pair of hands that washed clothes every day to ¬¬¬ 48 him. After cleaning his mother’s hands, Adam ¬¬¬ 49 washed all the remaining clothes for her.

The next morning, Adam went to the director’s office. Tears in eyes, Adam was asked to ¬¬¬ 50 his feelings. “Now I know what is ¬¬¬ 51 . Without my mother, there wouldn’t be the ¬¬¬ 52 me today. By helping my mother, I see how ¬¬¬ 53 it is to get something done. I have also come to know the value of family relationship. ”

The director smiled, “This is what I am looking ¬¬¬ 54 . I want a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others and a person who ¬¬¬ 55 put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.”

36. A. interview B. job C. greeting D. dictation

37. A. director B. father C. mother D. parents

38. A. died away B. passed away C. died out D. passed by

39 . A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

40. A. carpet B. floor C. clothes D. window

41. A. turn B. wave C. show D. shake

42. A. rough B. dirty C. strong D. smooth

43. A. choice B. question C. wish D. request

44. A. confused B. scared C. embarrassed D. inspired

45. A. before B. as C. since D. until

46. A. slim B. warm C. soft D. rough

47. A. insisted B. believed C. realized D. wondered

48. A. simplify B. serve C. sati sfy D. support

49. A. modestly B. secretly C. peacefully D. gently

50. A. improve B. describe C. awaken D. hide

51. A. appreciation B. cooperation C. aspiration D. communication

52. A. wealthy B. successful C. famous D. ambitious

53. A. efficient B. creative C. ruthless D. tough

54. A. through B. at C. for D. into

55. A. daren’t B. needn’t C. won’t D. can’t



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