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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的高中高一英语暑假作业,欢迎大家参考学习。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。




1.What can we know about Judy?

A.She came to the party.

B.She hasn’t appeared yet.

C.She planned to come but changed her mind later.

2.Why is the woman surprised?

A.Because she found the assignment (homework) very difficult.

B.Because she found it hard to believe so much time the man had spent.

C.Because the man couldn’t finish the assignment because he was busy.

3.When will the man be able to visit Mr. Black?

A.November 1  B.November 2     C.November 3

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Customer and waitress B.Teacher and student    C.Boss and secretary

5.How many universities are there in Britain?

A.Over forty     B.Less than forty        C.Zero

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What’s the woman going to do on Saturday?

A.Go shopping. B.Stay at home. C.Walk along the street.

7.What does the man like?

A.Playing football.  B.Shopping around. C.Watching basketball games.


8.Why can’t the girl go to the movie?

A.She has to review her lessons.

B.She has seen the movie before.

C.She doesn’t want to go with the boy.

9.What does the boy think about the girl?

A.She never studies hard.

B.She studies very well.

C.She won’t pass the exam.


10.What is the man going to do?

A.To visit the theatre.

B.To see Shakespeare's play.

C.To take a long walk with the woman.

11.Where do the two speakers probably come from?

A.One is from England and the other is from France.

B.They both come from England.

C.Both of them are from France.

12.What will the man probably do in the end?

A.Go to the theatre on foot.

B.Go to a talk about Shakespeare.

C.Take a taxi with the woman.


13.How old is the man?

A.35 B.45 C.55

14.What is the man’s trouble?

A.He was not dressed well for the party.

B.He locked his keys in his office.

C.He forgot to bring his keys with him.

15.Who is Johnson?

A.The man’s friend.

B.The women’s friend

C.A man living in apartment 201.

16.According to the dialogue, what do we learn about Dr. Smith?

A.She is shorter than the women.

B.She and the man live in the same building.

C.Her hair is black.


17.Which of the following is true of Martha?

A.She promises to visit her children often.

B.She will live with one of her children.

C.She will live with both her children.

18.What do you know about the children?

A.They still like their father.

B.They’re very nervous and quite sad.

C.They don’t talk to their parents any more.

19.What can we learn about their father?

A.He will be on vacation in winter.

B.He will see his children twice a month.

C.He will move far away from the children.

20.What are the parents doing now?

A.They’re quarreling before the children’s eyes.

B.They’re explaining their problems to the children.

C.They’re telling the sons their future arrangement.

通过小编为大家分享的高中高一英语暑假作业 ,希望对大家有所帮助。


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