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这篇高一英语暑假作业综合试题是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.  B.In the street.  C.In an office.

2.Why has Jonathan been called to the teacher’s office?

A.He was late for the exam.

B.He failed the exam.

C.He cheated in the exam.

3.Where is the pot?

A.On the back of the truck.

B.In front of the well.

C.On the r oad.

4.What time is it now?

A.10∶15. B.10∶00. C.9∶45.

5.How should they receive the visitors,according to the woman?

A.Give them a hand.

B.Make them feel at home.

C.Treat them at home.




6.What would the woman like to drink?

A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water.

7.Who went on the trip to the seaside last weekend?



C.Some old people.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Buy ing a dog.

B.Exercising dogs.

C.Exercising in the morning.

9.How did the man name his dog?

A.He named it after a car brand.

B.He named it after his name.

C.He named it after a famous star.


10.What is the man going to do?

A.Buy a new car.

B.Look at new cars.

C.Show his new car.

11.Why doesn’t the woman go with the man to the car show?

A.She doesn’t want to see it now.

B.She wants to go by herself.

C.She never buys cars.

12.How much is the cheapest car in the show?

A.6,500 dollars.

B.6,000 dollars.

C.500 dollars.


13.What will the man do?

A.Stay at home.

B.Have an examination.

C.Learn diving.

14.What are the two speakers?

A.Teachers. B.Students. C.Workers.

15.Why won’t the woman take diving classes?

A.She doesn’t ha ve enough money.

B.She wants to put on weight.

C.She wants to make money.

16.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Go out.

B.Stay at home.

C.Learn driving.


17.When was the oldest Chinatown built?

A.About 100 years ago.

B.Less than 100 years ago.

C.More than 200 years ago.

18.Where are Chinatowns the least common?

A.In South America.

B.In North America.

C.In Asia.

19.Who are often attracted to the Chinatowns now?

A.Businessmen and researchers.

B.Businessmen and travellers.

C.Travellers and farmers.

20.In the past,what did Chinatowns look like?

A.Rich and modern.

B.Poor and crowded.

C.Rich and crowded.


(Text 1)

W:Hello,Mr.Lin.I’m Jane Stevens.I’m glad I’ll be working with you.

M:Welcome,Jane.Now,we’ve got some paperwork for you to fill out.

(Text 2)

W:I hear that Jonathan has been called to the teacher’s office again.

M:It’s true.He was caught cheating in his exam.

(Text 3)

W:Where can we get some more water,Dad?

M:There’s a well down the road.Take the pot tied on the back of the truck with you.

(Text 4)

M:Why are you in such a hurry,Rose?

W:I’m going to Mr.Lee’s house.I have to return this book to him before ten o’clock.I only have 15 minutes left.

(Text 5)

W:A lot of visitors come to our country.We should receive them with open arms and make them feel comfortable when they are here.Right?

M:Yes.We should make them feel at home.

(Text 6)

M:Hi Mary.Do make yourself at home.Would you like some coffee or tea?

W:Thanks,David.Coffee,please.I’ve just dropped in to thank you for organizing last weekend’s trip to the seaside for the old people.

M:That’s very kind of you.They all seemed to enjoy it,and some old ladies even played in the water.

W:They certainly did.In fact,I don’t think you could have done it better.

(Text 7)



W:You’re out exercising your dog,I see. He looks happy and excited.

M:Yes,dogs have to be exercised daily,otherwise they get out of shape.My neighbor’s dog is as fat as a pig because of lack of exercise.

W:What’s his name?

M:Rover.I named him after the car brand Rover.I love cars very much.

W:That’s a good name for a dog.Why is he wagging his tail?

M:Can’t you see?He wants one of us to throw that stick as far as we can for him to fetch.

W:I won’t disappoint him.Come on boy,go fetch!

(Text 8)

W:Long time no see,Harry.How are you doing?

M:I am very well.Are you OK?

W:Just so?so.Where are you going?

M:I am going to look at new cars.There is a car show at the Exhibition Center today.I heard that there are many new types of cars on show.

W:Well,that sounds good.I wish I could get one.I am also a car fan.

M:Really?Why don’t you come along with me to the car show?

W:I’d like to but I don’t want to see it now.

M:Come on!I am sure you could get a good deal.It is reported that there are some special cars of good quality at low prices.The cheapest one costs only 6,000 dollars,about 500 dollars lower than the usual price.

W:No,buying a new car is out of the question for me right now.

(Text 9)

M:The summer holidays are coming.I am looking forward to them.

W:It will be really wonderful.

M:Yes.I can’t wait.

W:Do you have any plans for the holidays?

M:I’m thinking of learning diving.What about you?

W:That sounds interesting,but which center are you planning to go to?I don’t know of any.

M:There is a diving school set up by someone who used to be a student at our school.It’s somewhere in New Jersey.

W:I hear that diving classes are expensive.

M:Yes,but I’ve saved some money for this.

W:Then you go ahead.I don’t think I can afford it.I may just stay at home,getting fatter and fatter.

M:Do go out,or you will not recognize yourself.You have already gained a lot of weight.

W:Maybe you are right.

(Text 10)

W:Professor Wang,I heard that you are doing research on Chinatowns.Can you tell me something about it?

M:Yes.A Chinatown is an area in a city with a large number of Chinese,usually outside of China.Chinatowns are present throughout the world,including those in East Asia,Southeast Asia,the Americas,Australia,and Europe.Chinatowns can be found across the world,but are most common in North America,Asia,Australia and Europe.Some Chinatowns have a long history.The oldest Chinatown was founded by Chinese traders more than 200 years ago.In the past,Chinatowns were seen as poor and crowded places of traditional culture.Nowadays,many old and new Chinatowns are attracting a lot of businessmen and travellers.Chinatowns now have both traditional areas and modern sites of recent development.In some Chinatowns,recent business activities have turned them into rich centers of economic and social activity.

答案:1~5.CCACB 6~10.BCBAB 11~15.ABCBA


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