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10. What is the boy’s father doing?

A. Making a telephone call. B. Reading a textbook. C. Surfing the Internet.

11. Where is the boy’s uncle now?

A. In the study. B. In the garden. C. In his bedroom.

12. What does the boy’s grandfather want to do?

A. Learn to use the iPad. B. Number all his CDs. C. Clean his room.


13. How much does the man have to pay to be a member of the club?

A. £1.5. B. £2. C. £5.

14. What do the shop workers do once a year?

A. They buy new films from abroad.

B. They send out a list of new films.

C. They collect information on people’s interested films.

15. What films are most people interested in?

A. American films. B. British films. C. Australian films.

16. How will the man get the form?

A. He’ll pick it up himself.

B. He’ll have it sent by post.

C. He’ll get it from the club’s website.


17. Why did Abby decide to go surfing?

A. Her dad wanted to teach her.

B. She saw some competitions.

C. Her mum offered to buy her a board.


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