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第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



I lost both of my parents in a tragic car accident when I was five. Fortunately, at that age a child doesn’t understand the finality of such an event.

Many years later, at the age of twenty-three, I was planning my wedding to Sheldon, who came from a complete loving family, the type I expect. Sheldon and I had already bought our first home with a large, beautifully landscaped yard. As the date grew closer and we took ownership of the home, we began to clean, arrange inside and out.

The day before our wedding we were putting the final touches to the yard. We were so pleased with the neatness of it all. But one plant puzzled us. A rosebush located just outside our front door, was completely barren of leaves or buds. It looked liked it might be dead, but since neither of us could be sure, we reluctantly decided to keep it for the time being.

That same evening, after the dinner, I was too excited to sleep. Instead I decided I needed some quiet time to reflect on the wedding the next day. I went to the backyard and sat in the warm, clear, star-filled night. It was there that I realized the only thing missing from my wedding day would be my parents. There had been no time to think of this until now and the thought filled me with sadness. After all, every girl dreams of having her father walk her down the aisle and her mother there to comfort her anxiety. Alone in the yard, I began speaking to my mom and dad, just as if I had known they were listening.

“Give me a sign on my wedding day to let me know you’re with me.”

The next day Sheldon’s excited voice repeatedly called my name. I rushed to join him at the front door.

“I can’t believe what I’m about to show you!”

He stood aside. The barren rosebush had two huge roses in full bloom.

There was no doubt in my mind that we were witnessing a miracle…a miracle of love.

21. What does the underlined word “touches” in the third paragraph mean?

A. Small details. B. Strong feelings. C. Close connection. D. Enormous pressure.

22. According to the passage, why did the rosebush confuse the writer?

A. Because it was difficult to take care of.

B. Because it had a sign of dying away.

C. Because it grew in a wrong place.

D. Because its leaves were always falling.

23. The writer came to the yard that night to __________.

A. relieve her pressure of life

B. pray for her parents

C. see whether the rose grew

D. think about her wedding carefully


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