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[1]Each year millions of students begin and end their school day with a school bus ride. While most arrive safely to their destinations each day, it is still necessary to have a knowledge of safe school bus rides.

[2]Prepare for the daily walk to the school bus stop. Set up a fixed time to get up each morning. Using an alarm clock is a wonderful idea. You'd better know the arrival time of the school bus and leave for the school bus stop early enough to have a safe walk.

[3]The needed school supplies should be put into the backpack before you leave for the school bus stop. Spend some time doing this can save you a lot of trouble later in school. Having supplies safely kept ____________ will prevent your dropping materials on the way to the school bus stop.

[4]Safely ente r the school bus. The school bus riders should enter the school bus in an orderly manner. It can save time and avoid you pushing each other and falling to line up and enter one by one. After you get on the bus a seat should be chosen as quickly as possible.

[5]Follow the safety rules. There should be no loud talking while riding the school bus. Because of your rude behavior, the driver can't focus his attention on driving, which may lead to serious accidents. The safety rules are posted in the front area of the school bus and should be attached great importance to for each school bus rider's safety.

[6]Safely exit the school bus. The school bus riders should always make sure that the school bus driver can see them while exiting the school bus. While crossing the street in front of the school bus, it is important to stay at least 10 feet ahead of it. Look left and right until it is completely safe to cross the street.

51.What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 5 words)


答案 Safe school bus rides.

52.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

Having supplies safely kept ________________ will prevent your dropping materials on the way to the school bus stop.

答案 inside the backpack

53.Why should we behave ourselves on the school bus? (no more than 7 words)


答案 To make the driver drive carefully.

54.What should we do to make the ride safe when we take the school bus? (no more than 15 words)


答案 We should enter and exit the school bus safely and follo w the safety rules.

55.What does the word “it” (Line 2, Paragraph 6) probably refer to? (3 words)


答案 The school bus.

威廉希尔app 的编辑为大家带来的高中高一英语暑假作业:阅读理解,希望能为大家提供帮助。


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