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8.Hearing the loud thunder, the little girl was ________ and dared not go to sleep on her own.

A. excited B. puzzled

C. terrified D. surprised

答案与解析 C 由dared not go to sleep on her own可知,小姑娘听到雷声吓坏了。terrified表示“恐惧的;受惊吓的”,符合句意。

9.After travelling to many places, Jim finally decided to ________ in a quiet village where the air is fresh.

A. set down B. put down

C. settle down D. take down

答案与解析 C 句意:在游历过许多地方以后,吉姆最后决定在一个空气清新的宁静村庄定居下来。settle down“定居”,符合句意。

10.It was the fact ________ his father was ill in hospital ________ kept him awake for the whole night.

A. which; that B. which; which

C. that; which D. that; that

答案与解析 D 第一空填that引导同位语从句,说明fact的具体内容;第二空填that与前面的It was构成强调句型。

11.— Are you worried about the result of the exam?

— Only ________.

A. absolutely B. approximately

C. slightly D. extremely

答案与解析 C slightly“稍稍地;轻微地”。由Only可知答案为slightly。absolutely“绝对地;完全地”; approximately“大约;接近”; extremely“极其地;非常地”。

12.His parents ________ to persuade him to give up his crazy plan, but the stubborn boy wouldn't.

A. tried B. failed

C. promised D. managed

答案与解析 A 由but the stubborn boy wouldn't可知,父母没能说服孩子,故只能用try表示“试图”。注意:manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.表示“设法成功做某事”。

13.When the patient came back to life, he found himself ________ by a group of doctors and nurses.

A. surrounding B. be surrounded

C. be surrounding D. surrounded

答案与解析 D 因himself与surround之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词的过去分词作宾补。


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