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【摘要】多了解一些考试资讯信息,对于学生和家长来讲非常重要,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了人教版必修高中高一英语暑假作业及答案分析一文,希望对大家有帮助。

1.The football player had ________ gift for football when he was a child. Now he is ________ second to none in the football field.

A. the; the B. the; /

C. a; the D. a; /

答案与解析 D have a gift for“对……有天赋”; second to none是固定搭配,意为“不比任何人差,最好的,首屈一指”。

2.I ________ with the disabled girl's big smile. I didn't find any pain in her face.

A. impressed B. was impressing

C. was impressed D. was to impress

答案与解析 C 句意:那个残疾女孩灿烂的笑容给我留下了深刻的印象。在她脸上我没有看到任何痛苦。be impressed with“对……有深刻的印象”。

3.The chances are small ________ you will catch the disease, as long as you wash your hands before meals.

A. that B. whether

C. where D. when

答案与解析 A you will catch the disease具体说明了chances的内容,是chances的同位语,故选that引导同位语从句。

4.You'd better put everything you need ________ easy reach when you study. Do not always bother others.

A. beyond B. within

C. near D. around

答案与解析 B 句意:你学习时最好把所需之物都放在触手可及的地方。不要总麻烦别人!within easy reach“靠近;接近”,符合句意。beyond (one's) reach“(某人)够不着”。

5.My brother preferred to sleep at home rather than ________ for a picnic with his friends.

A. went B. go

C. to go D. gone

答案与解析 B 句意:我弟弟宁愿在家睡觉也不愿意和朋友们一起去野餐。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿……也不愿……”。

6.It is a Chinese ________ for elders to give children lucky money in red paper as a gift during the Spring Festival.

A. tradition B. habit

C. practice D. hobby

答案与解析 A 句意:春节的时候,长辈给孩子红包是中国的传统。tradition“传统;习俗”,符合句意。habit“习惯;习性”; practice“实践;练习”; hobby“业余爱好”。

7.— What is Mary doing now?

— She is on the phone, ________ with one of her friends.

A. to chat B. chat ting

C. chatted D. being chatted

答案与解析 B chat与逻辑主语she之间是主动关系,故用chatting作伴随状语。


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