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Living in a modern society has its advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage is that you often have to live closer to other people than you would like to. Sometimes, your neighbors make noise that you are not comfortable with.

The best way to solve this problem is to talk with your neighbor first. You should be very polite and ask your neighbor if he knows how thin the walls of your homes are. This way doesn’t criticize (批评) his behavior; it simply points out that he may not realize how far his sound travels. Tell him that you know that sometimes you make noise as well, but that you do your best to keep it down. Often this will solve the problem right away, but sometimes the neighbor may become angry.

If your neighbor becomes angry with you, there are some more steps you can take. You might write a letter to the neighborhood committee. Make sure you write down the source of the noise and the time in the letter. They will review the situation and decide whether your neighbor is out of line. Some noise is considered to be reasonable, even if it bothers you. So you may prepare a good pair of earplugs (耳塞).

Even if your neighbor makes too much noise, you don’t have to live your life in discomfort. It’s always a good idea to be friendly with your neighbors. You may clean the rubbish in front of his door. He’s sure to appreciate behavior like this and be more open to your suggestions about noise level.

51. What is the first step to deal with the noisy neighbor?

A. To buy a good pair of earplugs.

B. To offer suggestions to the neighbor.

C. To ask the neighborhood committee for help.

D. To tell the neighbor how bad his behavior is.

52. The underlined word “reasonable” in the third paragraph probably means “____”.

A. terrible B. loud C. proper D. unpleasant

53. What should be written in the letter to the neighborhood committee?

A. How to punish your noisy neighbor.

B. Where and when the noise appears.

C. How to make the noise less in the neighborhood.

D. What problems the noise causes to your life.

54.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A. You should control your noise as well.

B. You can live comfortably even if there is noise.

C. Your neighbor may be more friendly than you think.

D. You should build good relationship with your neighbor.

55.The author wrote this passage to tell us ____ .

A. why we should get on well with neighbors

B. how to relax ourselves in a modern society

C. how to become known among neighbors

D. what we should do with our noisy neighbor


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