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73.Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is    .

A.to set up more foundations for them

B.to help them with natural resources

C.to put more efforts into the health issues in them

D.to help them take a more global view

解析:选C。细节考查题。从第二段的第三句“Improving the health of the populations,he says,has proven to be an essential method in helping poor countries to be financially successful.‘National borders allow inequalities’...”可以看出Bill Gates的观点。

74.It can be learned from the passage that Bill Gates thinks    .

A.Americans should care about people in other countries

B.Americans should treat fellow citizens well

C.Americans should devote themselves to certain projects

D.Americans can be world?famous by giving away vast fortune

解析:选A。从文章第二段倒数第二句“We all need to take a more global view,rather than just saying my country is doing well.”可以得出正确答案。

75.Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of    .

A.his weakening health condition

B.his parents’ suggestion

C.his great success in business

D.his concerns for suffering people

解析:选D。细节考查题。从文章最后一段可以得出导致Bill Gates提前捐赠财产的原因。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very

frustrated for people going to a     newly?opened restaurant76.

which only provided    (生)vegetables and fruit.What77.

amazed him was    the food there cost more than that in his78.

own restaurant.After doing some r    ,he wrote his own sign79.

to win customers    to his restaurant.The next day Wang80.

Peng’s restaurant was nearly full,which m    Young Hui very81.

angry.Having had a good talk,they both    (意识到)the82.

strength and w    of their own restaurants and did what they83.

could to    (结合)their menus and provide a balanced84.

menu.Finally they got    ,working and living together happily ever after.85.

答案:76.another 77.raw 78.that 79.research 80.back

81.made 82.realized 83.weekness 84.combine 85.married

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)




参考词汇:革命家revolutionist中国现代文学modern Chinese literature

姓名 鲁迅

生卒年 1881年~1936年

出生地 浙江绍兴

生平简介 1904年开始学医,后来改为从事文学创作。绝大部分作品写于1918年~1936年。


One possible version:

Born in 1881 in Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province,Lu Xun began to study medicine in 1904 but later he became interested in literature.Most of his works were written from 1918 to 1936 ,which was an important period to him.In 1936,the famous writer died in Shanghai.

Lu Xun was not only a great writer,a thinker and a revolutionist but also a translator and one of the most important founders of modern Chinese literature.He made a great contribution to the development of literature in history.He is so famous that some of his works have been translated into many languages and enjoyed by many foreigners.Nowadays some have been made into films and some have been collected in school textbooks,which have a good influence on young people.

以上就是威廉希尔app 的编辑为您准备的高一英语必修1暑假作业:模块综合试题




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