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1. They drove through many streets in search of a good hotel.

2. In return, I want you to work hard for me.

3. Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world.

4. You can’t buy the shirt with less than 50 yuan.

5. Back from a long journey, he was thirsty and tired as well.

6. The school will send an experienced teacher in charge of that class.

7. The children jumped into the swimming pool one after another.

8. From then on, the prince and princess lived together happily.

9. In addition to English, the local people can speak French andGerman.

10. In addition, the hunters hunted wild cattle and pigs and knew how tomake use of wild plants.

11. You are not familiar with this place. This is one of the best hotels inthis place.

12. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning the game.

13. You will be in danger of losing your job if you don’t work hard.

14. In a way, what happened yesterday doesn’t affect us much.

15. There is no doubt that the bridge was designed by him twenty yearsago.

以上就是威廉希尔app 的编辑为各位考生带来的高一英语暑假作业-汉译英试题练习,希望给各位考生带来帮助。




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