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23. province

24. at the fact that

25. fresh water

26. much of it

27. rushed across

28. famous

29. look around

30. sort of

31. modified ; convertible

32. hands out 33. being known by 34. out-of-work 35. invariably 36. to do with 37. artistic 38. never-ending ; role

39. cast me 40. auditioning

41. ignore 42. unconventional 43. a work of 44. miserable tales 45. give him a break 46. Legendary 47. to his credit 48. around the corner 49. set up 50. Molly 51. Skeptical 52. Part of 53. Deduce 54. Do 55. Define 56. Outlived 57. man-made 58. metropolitan 59. are responsible for 60. recorded 61. is considered 62. label 63. was repeated 64. at birth 65. risk of 66. in dangerous 67. childbirth 68. risky 69. affectionately 70. across 71. accused 72. previous 73. form 74. off 75. overload

76. before 77. at once 78. insane 79. care of 80. cope 81. part of 82. able 83. babysit 84. slams the door 85. instead 86. due 87. birth 88. marvelous ; man 89. engraved 90. after 91. featured 92. cheered up

93. birth

94. from

95. settled into

96. exploded

97. catch sightof

98. In the distance

99. Urban 100. towards

以上就是威廉希尔app 的编辑为您准备的高一英语暑假作业及答案练习试题




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