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65. Men also have a greater ________ heart disease than women, and they have heart attacks

earlier in life.

66. Also, men are more often __________ occupations, such as construction work.

67. Historically, women died in __________ and men in wars.

68. Now childbearing is less ___________ and there are fewer wars.

69. He was a good and caring employer and become ___________ known as uncle Sam.

70. Neighbors complained that they could hear them shouting from ________ the street.

71. Mrs Brady said that she had __________ her husband of wasting their money on drinking

and gambling.

72. She reminded them that they had already had two _________ warnings from the police.

73. Two years ago, that was the message I wanted to get across to all art lovers—that dolls are

another art___________.

74. I wanted to show __________ my dolls.

75. They say that we have become ‘the forgetful generation’ and that day after day we

____________ our memories.

76. Jobs that __________ were done by many people are now down by a few.

77. If you have five things to do_________, you become stressed and forgetful.

78. It’s a terrible feeling--------you think you are going_________.

79. She also had a home and a family to take _________ and she’d recently moved.

80. She had so many things to think about that her brains couldn’t________. It shut down.

81. Well, __________ the solution is recognizing the problem.

82. Once we’d talked to this patient about her stressful lifestyle, she realized that she wasn’t


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