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43. I want to show everyone how my life is like _____________ art.

44. One of the most _____________ he tells is about how he nearly made the big time.

45. The famous actor John Wayne was going to______________ , but unfortunately he died.

46. _____________ producer Otto Preminger wanted to make him a star.

47. He’s been living in a mobile home in East Hollywood for 30 years, and___________ , he

manages to earn a living.

48. True success, he feels, is just_______________.

49. He has ___________ a production company with his brother.

50. ________ the dog and whiskers the cat can feel angry, depressed…..

51. Many scientists, however, are _________ about giving animals the full range of emotions

that humans can feel.

52. __________ the problem is that it is impossible to prove that even a human being is feeling

happy or sad.

53. It is only because we can observe body language and facial expression that we can

__________ it.

54. However, most researchers ________ agree that many creatures experience fear.

55. Some scientists _________ this as a primary emotion.

56. The 26-foot bristlecone pine tree is the oldest of many that have _________ civilization after


57. When human first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only _________

object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China.

58. What can be seen when orbiting the Earth are the lights of the world’s large _____________


59. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes _____________the deaths of thousands of

people every year.

60. One of the most violent earthquakes ever ________ was in Ecuador in 1996.


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