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高一英语暑假作业 unit 17




1. The impression ______________________(她给我的印象)is that she is friendly   (make)

2. He ____________________________(据说出版了)another book this year.  (say; publish)

3. The English party _____________________ (正要开始突然)the lights went out.  (about; begin)

4. The new discovery led to _______________________ ( 贼被抓)。      (catch)

5. I don’t regret ____________________(告诉他) what I thought even if it might have upset him. (tell)

6.  We regret_______________(要通知你) that we will no longer do what you have ordered.   (inform)

7. His advice is _______________________ (很有价值) to me .     (value)

8. _____________________(我原以为) I was going to fail the exam, but I passed after all.  (think)

9. I _____________________________________(告诫孩子们不要去滑冰) on such thin ice. (warn)

10. Oprah Winfrey is a black woman __________________( 她的成名) is an inspiring story.   (whose)

III. 完形填空

In Mr. Allen’s high school class, all the students are to “get married”. However, the wedding ceremonies(仪式) are not real ones but imitations(模拟). These ceremonies sometimes become so noisy that the loud laughter (36) out the voice of the “minister”. (37) the two students getting married often begin to laugh quietly.

The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and (38) business. He wants young people to understand that there must be many (39) after marriage. He believes that the (40) for these psychological and financial adjustments(心理和财政调整) should be understood before people (41).

Mr. Allen doesn’t only (42) his students to major problems faced (43) marriage such as illness or unemployment. He also lets them know the (44) problems they will face every day. He wants young people to know about all the difficulties and troubles that can throw marriage to the (45) point. He even familiarizes his students with the problems of divorce(离婚) and the (46) that divorced men must pay child (47) money for their children and sometimes pay monthly some money to their (48).

It has been nervous for some of the students to (49) the problems that a married couple often faces. (50) they took the course, they had not felt much (51) about the problems of marriage. (52), both students and parents feel that Mr. Allen’s course is (53) and have supported the (54) publicly. Their statements and letters supporting the class have made the school more firmly believe that it’s necessary to (55) the course again.


36. A. makes                        B. drown                      C. dies                  D. takes

37. A. Just                           B. Yet                           C. Still                   D. Even

38. A. funny                        B. terrible                     C. serious              D. beautiful

39. A. changes                            B. events                      C. choices            D. children

40. A. way                           B. need                         C. possibility          D. chance

41. A. graduate                     B. teach                        C. learn                 D. marry

42. A. lead                           B. put                           C. introduce           D. explain

43. A. to                              B. in                             C. again                 D. on

44. A. practical                    B. painful                      C. physical            D. proper

45. A. boiling                       B. freezing                    C. breaking            D. melting

46. A. truth                          B. fact                          C. view                 D. reason

47. A. support                      B. medicine                   C. education          D. care


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