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听  力(30分)1-5 CABBC  6-10 BCBAC   11-15 BAABC   16-20 CBABC

阅读理解(20分)21-23 DAB     24-26 BCB   27-30 DABC

阅读七选五(10分)31-35 FEBCD

完形填空 (30分)36-40 ADBCC  41-45 ABDDC  46-50 ABBDD  51-55 CAADB



56. upset     57. shocked    58. judging     59. quality        60. injured

61. educated  62. attitude     63. recognized  64.congratulations  65. devoted

按课文内容填空 (10分)

66. it’s, outdoors, grown, crazy      67. make use of, vocabulary

68. who, where, to where           69. organized, dig out, trapped

70. seen; reached a stage


71. called       72. himself     73. feet        74. But     75. have left

76. With        77. it          78. was closed  79. else      80. why


81. ago改成before     82. where 改成that       83. which 改成that

84. was 改成be        85. selling 改成 sell      86. 去掉your

87. that 改为where     88. them改成 whom或none前面加but

89. we前面加 can      90. from改of

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for your great help with my English learning during the past year.

I can well remember that once I had much trouble in learning English. I couldn’t remember new words and phrases. What’s worse, I was afraid of speaking English. However, you advised me to read more English magazines and books in my spare time, and listen to English songs. At school, I try to communicate with my teacher and classmates as often as possible. With your help, I have made rapid progress in learning English. At present, I show great interest in it and my oral English has been improved a lot. In a word, as long as we practice speaking English more, we will have a good command of it..

I feel sorry that we have to say goodbye now. Thanks again and wish you a p leasant safe journey home.


Li Hua


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