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英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一年级英语必修1第一单元检测题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


1.  Survey show that 75% of people agree to the new plan.

A  ideas   B feelings  C investigations   D suggestions

2.  He was upset at not being invited.

A unhappy  B happy  C angry  D excited

3.  Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.

A silly  B simple  C quiet   D low

4.  The doctor concerned himself about the health of his aged patient.

A loved  B showed  C minded   D worried

5.  If one knows the cause of unhappiness, one also knows its cure.

A  the reason  B  the effect  C  the result   D  the sign

6.  She was generous to him, but she suffered for it when he ran away with all her money.

A. experienced something unpleasant  B .was angry about

C. was worried about                 D. was concerned about

7.  Only certain directors in the company have the power to sign company cheques.

A ability    B ideas   C plan  D right

8.  I’m in a difficult situation and I don’t know what to do.

A. place    B.condition    C.way    D.moment

9.  Although they are twins, they look entirely different.

A. specially    B. especially    C. generally   D. completely

10.  Men have made machines able to communicate with men, or with each other.

A. read books   B. talk about something      C. share opinions  D. tell stories


1  She never       any of her husband’s worries.

A spares  B shares   C takes  D whispers

2  Your daughter       the enjoyment  of our visit.

A adds up   B adds to    C adds up to    D adds in

3  In the meeting many people      us      the discussion.

A joined, in    B joined in, for  C took part in,  for  D attended,  in

4  Please have all the figures     to see how much they       .

A. add; add up    B. added to; add up to    C. add up; add up to     D added up; add up to

5  Let Harry play with your toys as well. You must learn to     .

A support    B care   C  spare   D share

6  It seems difficult to     “hurt” from “injure” in meaning.

A judge   B tell   C divide  D separate

7  His mother was ill in hospital, so he had to     $2000 for medicine.

A pay   B cost   C take   D use

8  Readers can     quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A get over   B get in   C get along  D get through

9  The boy     his time between work and play.

A spent   B wasted   C separated  D divided

10 This country has     too many wars.

A gone through   B got through  C passed through  D passed by

11 In the darkness, it was difficult to    the tower from the other building around it.

A separate  B tell  C divide  D judge

12 -----I can’t     on the phone.

------You’d betteer hurry here and see what’s wrong.

A get through   B get along  C get over  D get hold

13 It’s very kind of you to give us    .

A some advice  B some advices  C an  advice  D a piece of advices

14 Which political party is        power now?

A on  B in   C with  D to

15 Most of the areas in South China were flooded and the people      heavy loses.

A suffered  B were suffered  C were suffered from  D were suffered for

16 Keep your feet    , while I fasten your shoes

A  quiet   B silent   C still   D calm

17 Listen to him. His voice     well.

A records    B is recorded   C was recording  D recorded

18 ----Could you post the letter on your way home, please?


A I’m glad, too     B It’s a pleasure     C Never mind   D With pleasure

19 Why don’t you        your ideas     on paper?

A set;  free   B set; up   C set; out   D set; down

20 -----Will you please help me to repair the computer now?

----Sorry, I’m too busy and have’t a minute to     .

A save   B spare  C spend   D share


concern;  cheat;  list;  trust;   share;  reason;   separate    habit

1. As we joined the crowd, the got       from my friends.

2.        is a cable, we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it.

3. Is there any        why you can’t come?

4. Our main       is that they are not receiving enough help.

5. I can’t       the boy out of my sight.

6. He was     out of his rightful inheritance.(遗产)

7. This is the       of the people who are going to the concert.

8. Everybody ought to have this       of food.


1.      He said, “I’m going to Beijing tomorrow.”

2.      He asked, “Are you a theacher?”

3.      “This is the craziest thing I have heard of so far.” she said.

4.      Mr Wang said, “I was born in China in Septhmberm, 1972.”

5.      She said, “They had left when I arrived here.”

6.      She says, “Liu Fang is good at English.”

7.      He said, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

8.      “How much do you think it will cost?” he said.






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