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Place: 南湖公园

Activities: 划船、放风筝,玩牌,踢足球、野餐、散步、照相、爬山等。

注意:1.短文必须用第一人称; 2.短文应包括上述所有要点: 词数100 左右


Text 3

M: Excuse me, but you have some guests in the reception room.

W: What? Who ?

M: Mr. Scott Carpenter and his daughter.

W: I remember ! Oh…Scott! I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago.

Text 4

M: Hello.

W: Hello. Can I help you?

M: yes, I want to know why there’s no electricity.

W: Sorry, Sir. There’s been a power cut.

M: Well, when will it come on again?

W: It’s usually off for about half an hour, so we expect it back at eight thirty.

Text 5

M: Hello, room service?

W: Yes, Sir?

M: I’d like to order breakfast in my room, please. Shall I give you my order?

W: Yes.

M: I’ll have a boiled egg, baked beef and coffee. Oh, and can you tell me whether it’s safe to drink the water? I mean water from the tap.

W: Well, we advise you to drink boiled water, Sir. The water in your thermos boiled.

Text 6.

M: Do you mind if I join you?

W: Please do.

M: I’m Alan Hook. I work at St. Jude’s Training College.

W: How do you do? Barbara Samuel. And what do you do at the college?

M: I’m in charge of the science department.

W: Have you been there long?

M: Just over a year. By the way, haven’t I seen your picture in the paper recently

W: Ah, that must have been the national tennis competition last week.

M: That’s right—you won a cup.

W: Well, I guess I was lucky. How about you? Do you play?

M: I used to, but I’m out of practice these days. I must see about joining a club sometime.

Text 7

M: Did you watch Jay Leno’s talk show last night?

W: Uh, who was on it?

M: Matt Damon. He’s in that new movie.]

W: Oh, that movie looks sweet. Aren’t there like six big-name actors init?

M: I don’t know how many. There’s like Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon. Who else?

W: I don’t know, but it’s definitely the only movie of its kind.

M: Do you know what the story is?

W: I think they’re in Vegas, and a crowd of good—looking young men who …Are they trying to rob a bank?

M: I think they’re truing to rob a jewelry store. That’s what he was talking about last night, but I , I wasn’t really paying attention so I didn’t understand.

W: Well, I don’t really care. I just want to go and see all those stars on one screen.

Text 8

M: Hi, Lily. I’ve been wanting to ask you if you have any plans for Chinese National Day.

W: No, not really.

M: Well, I was planning to have a party at my house.

W: Sure I’d like to come. Who are you inviting?

M: Some young teachers form the department and three of you American students. That way you can practice your Chinese, too.

W: That’s a great idea.What can I bring?

M: Let’s see. I’ll prepare everything Chinese, and …

W: Why don’t I make a potato salad? Also, I’ll be seeing Bob and Jane tomorrow. Do you want me to tell them to show up?

M: Well, I should let them know about the party, so they won’t plan anything else.

W: Right. When would you like us to come?

M: About five. I’d like everybody to come early so that you can talk before dinner. Oh, one other thing, could you ask Bob to bring his records ?

W: Sure.

M: Thanks. Bye-bye.

W: Bye.

9.W: Thanks for picking me up this evening, Ted.

M: No problem, Mom. I’m happy to do it. by the way, I had some friends over after school today and we drank all the milk. Shall we stop at the su permarket on the way home to get some?

W: I think it’s closed by this time of night. But we can stop at the convenience store. They’re open 24 hours.

M: Here we are. But I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. Let’s go in.

W: I don’t come here often because the prices here are higher.

M: There isn’t much selection, bit that makes choosing easier.

W: Does it? I enjoy comparing so I can get the best bargain for our family. Of course, this time we don’t have much choice, do we?

M: No, I guess not. This is probably the only place open at this time of the night. Look at this , Mom. They have hamburgers ready made. All you have to do is to heat it by microwave for thirty seconds.

W: I know that, Ted, but they cost more. You’d better go over to have a look at the magazines. I’ll take them to the cash counter.

Text 10

Good morning. I am Professor Armstrong, and I am your laboratory instructor. This class is intended as a necessary part of the course, which Dr Smith will be in charge of. This class will meet twice a week.  This laboratory begins at nine. I expect you to be on time. I do not intend to wait for the latecomers or repeat what has already been covered if you miss the explanation. And do not arrive late and interrupt your neighbour. You may as well not come if you can’t be on time.

Attendance  is equally important if you miss three lab classes, you’re dropped from the labs—no excuses. You can’t complete the course without completing the  lab.

Besides, safety is key here. It’s very important to keep things neat and clean, dress properly, and be careful. You may not eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory and you should always clean the counter and wash your hands both before and after the class. Long hair must be timed back. Large clothing must not be worn. Any laboratory accident must be reported immediately.

I hope you’ll enjoy the laboratory. It’s a wonderful pace, and all the requirements I’ve just mentioned are to be followed.We will begin  today by learning about the microscope.

One possible version:

Sunday October 17th,2004                                               Sunny

My classmates and I gathered at the school gate at 7:40 in the morning to go to the South Lake Park . It was sunny and warm, and we were all very happy to be back into nature. Some of us went boating , some flew their kites and some played cards and other games. I like football so I joined the boys in the football game. At noon, we gathered at lakeside and made our picnic.After lunch we had a walk along the lake and started to climb the hill by the lake at about 3:00.We had a good time today.






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