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高一英语必修一单元测试:Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero



The students have different   43   backgrounds. But home and places where friends gather are the favorite places all teens seek happiness.

Exams and worries about life after graduation cause much   44  among most of the teens   45   for the survey.

26. A. absorbed            B. willing         C. careless  D. unhappy

27. A. hairstyle           B. dresses         C. fashion    D. culture

28. A. teachers            B. students        C. citizens   D. colleagues

29. A. Asian               B. American        C. African    D. Western

30. A. answered            B. requested       C. persuaded  D. questioned

31. A. followed            B. decreased       C. reduced    D. compared

32. A. relations           B. barriers        C. customs    D. differences

33. A. awareness           B. standards       C. consciences  D. expenses

34. A. admirable           B. confused        C. likely     D. unbelievable

35. A. survey              B. setting         C. reference  D. paper

36. A. worse               B. better          C. less       D. more

37. A. disagreeing         B. observing       C. agreeing   D. puzzling

38. A. those               B. that            C. it         D. one

39. A. lower               B. larger          C. smaller    D. higher

40. A. first               B. third           C. fourth     D. last

41. A. leading             B. devoting        C. appealing  D. According

42. A. But                 B. And             C. So           D. Or

43. A. political           B. cultural        C. economical  D. commercial

44. A. expectation         B. hesitation      C. concern     D. ambition

45. A. interviewed         B. advised         C. overlooked   D. invested

Part three :阅读理解           A篇

The man from the west stopped and drew back his a rm. "You’re not Jimmy Wells," he said in a quick and angry way, "Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man’ nose from a Roman to pug." "It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man, "you’ve been under arrest for ten minutes. Silky Bob. Chicago thinks you may have dropped over our way and phones us she wants to have a word with you. Going quietly, are you? That’s sensible. Now before we go to the station here’s a note I was asked to hand you. You may read it here at the window. It’s from Patrolman Wells.?" The man from the West opened the little piece of paper handed him. His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he抎 finished. The note was rather short. Bob: I was at the right place on time. When y ou struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face wanted in Chicago. Somehow I couldn’t do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man (便衣) to do the job.

46. The man from the West must have broken the law _____.

A. in Chicago                 B. in New York

C. in his hometown        D. somewhere else

47. The man from the West recognized the tall man not to be the one he had been waiting for because the tall man ____.

A. had a different accent from his

B. had a different nose from his friend’s

C. was his another old friend

D. said "Chicago wants to talk with you?"

48. The two men may have walked _____.

A. for ten minutes               B. arm in arm

C. face to face                    D. both A and B

49. We can suppose Jim _____.

A. was afraid of the man from the West

B. got another man to help him when necessary

C. had an appointment with Bob 20 years ago

D. had something else to do and couldn’t come himself


Tim Welford, aged 33, and Dom Mee, aged 30, both from England, were keen on (=like... very much) rowing boats. They made a plan to row across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to San Francisco. The name of their rowboat was “Crackers”. It was about seven meters long.

They set out from Japan on May 17,2001. They had rowed nearly 5,500 miles when their boat was hit by a fishing ship on September 17,2001. Luckily they both escaped unharmed, but their boat was badly damaged and they had to abandon( = stop)their journey.

In a radio interview, Dom expressed his disappointment and explained how the accident took pla ce.

“A fishing ship came towards us with nobody on the bridge and ran us down. It all happened so quickly. I managed to dive into the wate r. Tim felt it would be safer to stay on board. He was trapped inside as the boat was driven under the water. Finally some people appeared on the ship and saw me in the water. I shouted at them to stop the ship and to get Tim out. When the ship stopped, I eventually saw Tim, and I was very, very disappointed that we were still alive. We were very disappointed that we couldn’t reach San Francisco. B ut we are alive. That above everything is the most important. ”

50. How long had Tim and Dom been at sea when their boat was hit by a fishing boat?

A. For one month           B. For two months.

C. For three months.       D. For four months.

51. According to Dom, the main reason for the accident was that________.

A. Tim and Dom were too careless

B. the speed of the fishing ship was too fast

C. nobody on the fishing ship saw them

D. their rowboat was not strong enough

52. Dom said that the most important thing in this accident was that________.

A. their rowboat was not damaged

B. both of them existed after a dangerous time

C. they enjoyed this journey

D. they failed to reach San Francisco

53. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. Some people on the fishing ship saved them.

B . Tim and Dom were going to San Francisco in the rowboat because they had no money to buy airplane tickets.

C. Dom dived into the water when the accident happened because he thought it would be dangerous to stay on board.

D. Dom told people about their dangerous experience when he was interviewed on the radio.

1-5.B C D A B6-10 C C A B D11-15 C D  D C B 16-20C A C B A

21-25B B A C A 26—45 BCBAD    ADBCA    DCADB    DABCA





高一英语必修一单元测试题:Nelson Mandela-A modern hero


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