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高一语文上册单元试题:Unit5 NelsonMandela-a modern hero



40. 选B。 他问“我”他是否能帮助“我”。if引导宾语从句, 意思是“是否”。

41. 选C。 从后文我们可以看出老人以为“我”要结婚, 因此他说“很好。”来表示祝贺。

42. 选D。 从下句Who is talking about marriage得此答案。 get married意思是“结婚”。

43. 选D。从短文首句When I was only 16 years old 我们得知老人觉得“我”的年龄还不适合结婚,因此他说“但是,你不还小点儿吗?”

44. 选B。 just在此相当于only。

45. 选A。 很明显,“我”想让他告诉“我”电话箱的位置。

46. 选A。 did用在肯定句中起强调作用。

47. 选B。 联系上下文,Danny在这里说她也遇到过一些麻烦。

48. 选C。上文中所出现的情况是语言使用习惯的问题, 因此Danny说美国人在使用单词的意思上与英国人不同。

49. 选D。 从下句Most of the 20 (time) British and American people understand each other我们可以看出, Danny对“我”说“我”不久就会对这一切习惯的。

50. 选D。 大多数时间,美国人和英国人能彼此理解。



51.B 段落大意题。第二段主要讲了这种电子装置的工作原理,即它是如何利用人步行来发电的。

52.D 细节推断题。根据第四段中的it is too costly for most people to buy可知这种实验版的设备费用太高,大多数人买不起。

53.A 推理判断题。根据末段可知,过去Larry Rome发明的设备虽然也是靠行走获取能量,但是需要步行者背重达20到30公斤的负荷,而这种佩戴在膝盖上的设备重量只有1.5公斤,不需增加步行者的太多负担。

54.D 细节理解题。根据文章第3段the device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers可直接选出答案D项。A项文中没有涉及到,B项表述不科学,根据文章最后一段可以推断C项表述错误。

55.C 归纳标题题。文章主要突出的内容是这种新的电子设备使得利用人步行获取能量变得轻松、容易。


56. 选D主旨大意题。全文讲述了Mr. Marcy 试图找到外空生命存在证据的漫长历程。

57. 选C 细节题。从“The planet orbiting 55 Cancri is a major breakthrough: it is the first sighting of a large gas planet about the same distance from the star as Jupiter is from the Sun.”我们得知,这个行星是气体行星。

58. 选D细节题。从“Since then, the two scientists have discovered 65 of the more than 100 planets found orbiting other stars. Dr. Marcy and.”我们得知到目前为止,他们发现在100个行星中有65个沿其他恒星运行。

59. 选A 推理判断题。Mr. Marcy 首先分析了地球上生命的存在是因为有了巨大的木星。从 “A huge space exists between the Jupiter-like planet and two other planets that lie close to 55 Cancri.”我们知道在“55 Cancri”附近有一个“Jupiter-like planet”,因此他就提出“Is there an Earth-like planet in the space, too small for us to notice?”由此我们可以推断,如果有一个“Earth-like planet”,那么外空就会有生命存在。

60. 选B句意理解题。从短文中我们知道在找到“Jupiter-like planet”之后,Mr. Marcy 坚定了找外空生命的信心,但目前仅是猜想,而没有真正找到或取得进展,因此A, C, D不合题意。


61. C细节考查题。由第二段中It came as no surprise when Anner-Sophie said she wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.可推知。

62. A 推理判断题。从文章第二段可知:安·索菲生于1963年,在她五岁时想要一把小提琴作为生日礼物,从这个时候起,她的艺术生涯就开始。由此可推知:她的艺术生涯开始的时间为20世纪60年代后期。故选A项。

63. C 细节考查题。此题可用排除法解。文中讲到:由于缺钱,父母把她的表演限制在一年1~2次,后来她被允许一年举行6~8场音乐会,故A项错误;文中仅提到:在一次全国比赛中,Christoph 为她伴奏,并非每场音乐会都由Christoph伴奏,故B项也错误;D项在文中并未提及,也可排除,惟有C项为正确答案。

64. B. 推理判断题。根据文中的:……to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played, not just to imitate others……可见她作为一个小提琴家最大的优点就是有自己的思想,不是一味模仿他人。故选B项。

65. B. 细节考查题。从她父母的话:No outsider can ever have an effect on our daughter’s career or push her into playing more concerts than she wants to. 可以看出他们相信金钱不是万能的。故选B项。


66. C推断题。Bill Gates boasted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20可以告诉我们此答案。

67. D细节题。从第三段He chose Harvard and began classes there the next autumn, majoring maths. But he was still obsessed with computers and spent as much time in the computer laboratories as he in the lecture halls得此答案。

68. B细节题。从第四段This (BASIC) was not the first program ever created, but its inventors were the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it得此答案。

69. B句意理解题。nut的意思是“脑袋”。

70. D细节题。从最后一段Yet to most people now, Gates is a person who is, in spite of his great wealth, humble and ordinary得此答案。


71. cruelty   72. peaceful   73. republic   74. principle   75. youths


76. those in trouble                             77. begged me

78. as a reward to                              79.As they were out of work

80. filled with terror                            81. devoted her life to caring for

82. was sentenced to three years                 83. should not lose heart

84. for which he was late for                            85. to blow up


One possible version:

Mandela, a well-known black leader in South Africa, gave up all his life to fighting for freedom and equality. He never set up a black law firm to help he black people in trouble. In areas controlled by the white people, the black were forced to live in the poorest areas and they had no right to vote who could rule them. Elias, who did not like violence, ever helped blow up some government buildings. He fought with Mandela without any fear of any difficulty, even of being put in prison in order to realize the dream of making black and white people equal.

听力录音稿Text 1

M: A table for four , please.

W: It will be about twenty minutes. Won’ t you sit down?

Text 2

W: That looks nice. I’ll have a cheeseburger and fries.

M: Anything to drink? W: A chocolate milkshake.

M: That’ll be $2.75.

Text 3

M: Would you mind turning down the TV a bit? I’m answering the phone.

W: Not at all.

Text 4

M: I don’t often visit museums, but I like to whenever possible.

W: I’ve never visited the Modern Museum, but I plan to tomorrow.

Text 5

M: I met Sam on the street today.

W: Really? Did he say anything about his sister?

M: Yes. She ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband has taken a job in Los Angeles.

Text 6

W: I think my wallet was stolen, sir.

M:  Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?

W: Yes, I left it’ll the table half an hour ago, but when I came back from the restroom, it was gone.

M: Are you sure you left your wallet on the table?

W: Of course, sir. I planned to pay the bill before I went to the restroom.

M: Is this your wallet? We found it in the restroom.

W: Yes, it is. I must have left it there and I Forgot. Sorry.

Text 7

M: Oh, we still haven’t decided what to get him.

W: I know. It’s hard. Wha t does he need?

M: Well, darling, the other day he said that he needed a car.

W: Yeah, right. Well, "I think that’s a little beyond us.

M: Yeah, it’d be fun, but it’s just a little too expensive.

W: There’s the usual kind of thing, like a wallet or a tie.

M: Oh, not for his sixtieth. I think we should get him so mething more expensive than that,  don’t you? I mean, we want to get something good.

W: Something unusual?

M: Yeah.

W: Well, how about a computer?  We could get him a computer. That way we could keep in touch on e-mail

M: No, no, no. You know him. He says he’s toe old to learn how to use a computer.

Text 8

W: Dad, can you lend Jenny and me some money?

M: For what ?

W: We want to get tickets for a rock concert.  We’ll pay you back after a few days.

M: How much are these tickets?

W: Eighteen dollars each.

M: Eighteen dollars? That’s a lot of money.

W: That’s not very much for this band, Dad. They are great singers, very popular.

M: When will you need the money?

W: Bob is also going and he’s going to town tomorrow to get the tickets.

M: All right. Here’s fifty dollars.

W: Thanks a lot, Dad. I’ll call Bob right now.

Text 9

W: I noticed an article in the newspaper about the problem of rapid growth of cities inAmerica. I was wondering... Do you Americans carry out a birth control policy? Can Americans have as many children as they want?

M: Yes, we can have as many as we want, but most people decide to have only one or two. And some people decide not to have any.

W: Why do they decide not to have any? In the old days, we Chinese always wanted to have as many as possible. Some still do now.

M: Some people prefer to devote all their energy to their work or to seek their own interests and travel. And others see so many problems in the world that they refuse to bring children into such a difficult environment.

W: It’s understandable.

Text 10

Good morning, everyone. Today I’d like to give a lecture on cycling tours. Well, for anyone who is considering going on a tour, the first thing to consider is safety. So it’s very important indeed to consider what you wear. Wear something that can easily be seen, red jackets, for example. You know many accidents happen, because drivers simply fail to see the cyclists. Second, don’t try to ride too far, toe quickly. Take your time, and if you feel tired, stop and rest. Remember that the joy of cycling tours is the ride itself. Get close to nature and see things you wouldn’t normally see when you were traveling by car or bus. And if you’re planning your journey in the summer, take plenty of water. You are advised to drink at least one liter of water every hour. If the weather is not very warm, make sure you take some warm clothes. And put them on when you stop riding. Even in cold weather you can become very warm when you are riding and then it is very easy to catch a cold, or even get a fever when you stop.

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