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第四部分 词汇 (共两节 满分15分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;满分5分)


71. The poor boy was very g_______ to the people who had helped him out of trouble.

72. Li Lei has a good c_______ of English so that he can understand the natives easily.

73. Nowadays ,some famous companies just hire the g_______ from key universities.

74. There’s no doubt that the project will be finished on _______.(时间表)

75. Many miners were _______(困住)under the coal mines and luckily they were rescued.

76. True friends are also _______ (忠实)ones who are always sincere with you.

77. I’ll give a $200 r_______ for returning my lost dog.

78. At the news that his father lost his life in the earthquake , the boy___(爆发)out crying.

79. The winner received lots of c_________ on his getting the first prize.

80. As a student,John always answers the teachers’ questions ______(积极)in class.

第二节 课文填空.根据课文内容填入所缺单词。(10分,每空0.5分)

81. 我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。

I don’t want to______ _______ _______ ________ of facts in a diary as most people do.

82. 事实上,当不同的文化互相交流渗透时,所有的语言都会有所发展,有所变化。

, all languages change and develop when cultures          and

each other.

83. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神---这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。

She gave me a _____ look---the kind that said she would not _____ ____ _____.


________fifteen terrible seconds,a large city ________ _______ _________.


I did not have one because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I would become                            .

第五部分 写作 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 短文填词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The past five years have s  86   great changes in my school.  On May 12, 2008, the earthquake in Wen Chuan was so terrible that it      87 (破坏) almost everything in the school. It is now, however, taking on a new look. Tall buildings have been put  88 , including classrooms and laboratory buildings, and a library. There is a 89    a newly-built standard playground. In the new environment, teachers and students are living h 90    and working hard. It is really exciting that the very place  91   was once ruined has now been turned into a beautiful school,   92   of life.

93  a matter of fact,  the whole society has always been    94  (关心的)about the rebuilding of my school. It is their love and selfless help that have brought about the great changes. We can work wonders if we unite as a family, care for each other and help those  95   need.

第二节  书面表达 (满分20分)

假如你是迎光中学的高一新生李新,学校将为高一新生举办主题为“What I Want to Learn in Senior School?”的英语演讲活动以规划自己高中的学习、生活,请结合自身看法与以下要点准备一份演讲稿。









乐观  optimistic  adj.  optimistically  adv.   optimism  n.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! I’m Li Xin. I feel it an honor to give a speech here about “What I Want to Learn in Senior School.”







Thanks for listening.



Text 1

W: Would you like to go to the park by bus or on foot?

M: By bus. You see, it’s Sunday today and it isn’t very crowded on the bus.

Text 2

W: What a nice picture, a beautiful farm with cows everywhere!

M: Thank you. I took the picture when I stayed in the countryside.

Text 3

W: Hello?

M: Hi, this is Ned. Are you busy?

W: We’re eating now. Can I call you back in half an hour?

Text 4

W: Have you ever been to Beijing?

M: No. But I have been to Shanghai twice. It’s very beautiful.

Text 5

W: Look at the picture! That boy is a new film star, isn’t he?

M: Yes, he’s very popular with young people.

W: He’s handsome!

M: Yes, he is, but I don’t think he acts well.

Text 6

M: Good morning, Suzie. Is Mr. Walker in yet?

W: Hi, Tom. No, he isn’t. He called to say he’d be late. Is there anything I can do for you?

M: Well, there is a problem, but I doubt you could be of much help... Did I say something wrong? You don’t look very happy.

W: Well, I’m not very happy. What you just said makes me feel useless. And maybe I am. All I do is answer the phone, usher people into Mr. Walker’s office, and smile a lot. Anyone could do that.

Text 7

M: Sit down, Mrs. Philips. Now what can I do for you?

W: It’s my head, Doctor. I have a terrible headache and feel dizzy.

M: I see, and when did these pains start?

W: The day before yesterday, Tuesday.

M: I’m going to examine you. Could you open your mouth wide, please? Thank you. Now I’m going to take your blood pressure. Could you roll up your sleeve for me? Thank you.

W: Well?

M: Well, Mrs. Philips, it’s nothing serious. Here’s a prescription for some medicine. Take it to the pharmacy and come and see me next Wednesday, please.

Text 8

M: I’m sorry to tell you at such a late hour that I can’t come on the trip to Michigan tomorrow. Would it be possible to change the time?

W: Well, it is a bit late to change it now. Everything is ready.

M: I know, but I have a family emergency and I’m afraid I’ll have to deal with it at once. It really can’t be helped.

W: In that case I’ll go and tell Jack and Jane about it. Do you want to change the trip to some time next week?

M: Any time the first half of next month would be better.

W: All right. I’ll let you know the exact date as soon as we decide.

M: Fine. Thank you so much. Sorry to give you so much trouble.

Text 9

W: Did you get into trouble at school, Tim?

M: Oh, yes. I used to play lots of jokes.

W: What kind of jokes?

M: Silly ones. I used to put something on my classmates’ seats or in their clothes. Everyone laughed, but the teachers always punished me.

W: Were you a good student?

M: No, not really. I used to talk a lot. In fact, I had to sit on my own in class.

W: What did your mother think? Did she know you were a troublemaker?

M: Oh, yes. I used to play jokes on her, too. For example, when I was little, my mother and I used to go shopping at a supermarket near our home. She used to walk and I used to take my bike. Once I went around a corner ahead of her and lay down with my bike on top of me. I went “Ooooh-aaaargh-ooogh”. My mother was very worried! She used to get very angry with me but she never hit me.

Text 10

Hi, Peter. Thank you very much for your telephone call. I’m glad to tell you that we have two double rooms ready for you now. The two rooms are on the fifth floor with a good view of the Red Sea. The price for each room is $ 200 a night. Every morning from 7:00 to 9:30, your breakfast is free, but you have to pay for your lunch and supper if you eat in our hotel.

Please remember that we only accept cash or credit cards. If you have any further questions or any special requests, just let us know and we will be very pleased to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel on August 10. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.

Thanks again for choosing our hotel.






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