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( ) 46. Many teenagers think their _____ know them better than their

parents do.

A. friends B. teachers C.brothers and sisters D. classmates ( ) 47. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of communication is to


A. go to their friends B. talk with their parents C. have a discussion with their family D. talk with their friends on the phone

( ) 48. Which of the following is DIFFERENT in meaning from the sentence

“Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good


A. Some parents may even not allow their children to meet their good friends.

B. Some parents may even ask their children to stay away from their

good friends.

C. Some parents may even not let their children meet their good


D. Some parents may want their children to stop to meet their good


( ) 49. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Parents should like everything their children enjoy. B. In all families, children can choose everything they like. C. Parents should try their best to understand their children better. D. Teenagers can only go to their friends for help. ( ) 50. The main idea of this passage is that ___________. A. Teenagers need friends B. Friends can give good advice

C. Parents often choose their children’s friends for them D. Good friends can communicate with each other 四、句型转换(每小题2分,共计10分) 1. I study hard so that I can pass the exam.

I study hard ________ ________ _________ pass the exam. 2. He is such a good boy that I phrase him. He is so _____ _____ ____ that I phrase him. 3. Tom said that they could go there together.

Tom said , “ _________ _________ come here together.” 4. My father had to ask a man to repair his bike. My father had to have ____ _____ _____. 5. Alice always bases her opinions on the facts.

Alice’s opinions_________ always _______ _________ the facts. 五、书面表达(共计10分)


1、人和人,人和动物都能产生友谊; 2、朋友能够提供精神上和物质上的帮助; 3、朋友有好坏之分,友谊也有真假之别。 参考词汇:

spiritual精神上的 physical物质上的 true friend真朋友 false friend假朋友



一、语音知识 1- 5 ADDCB 单项选择

1-5 CCABB 6-10 ABCBD 11-15 CDADA 16-20 CCBCD 二 完形填空

21-25 CABCD 26-30 BDDCD 31-35 BADBC 36-40 CCDAB 三 阅读理解

41-45 ADCBC 46-50 ADDCA 四 句型转换

1. in order to 2. good a boy 3. we can 4. the car repaired 5. are based on

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