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Directions: Complete the following sentences according to the first given letter or the Chinese in the sentence.

76. The club is for and people in their early twenties, so that’s why some old people will not accept it.

77. All the teachers and students in our school are (要求) to attend school assembly on Monday morning.

78. The mid-term exam is not a for all the students because it is so easy.

79. Jack disappeared for a few days, and when he came back, he didn’t give any of his strange behavior.

80. His parents felt regretful because they thought they were too on him.

81. There are some small differences between American English and Britain English. For example, in American English, we often say “on ”(假期) instead of “on holiday”.

82. The car accident was not the driver’s (过失) as there was a man suddenly running across the road.

83. It is hard for me to make a (决定). Can you tell me what to do?

84. As students, you have to (平衡) work and play, or you might feel very confused.

85. How _ (尴尬的) I was when I made a mistake with many people looking.

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


Xiao Wei’s problems with his parentsnot get along well with parents; forbid him from playing computer games; have no time to be alone …

Li Hua’s advice…

要求:1. 必须包括所有信息;至少写3条建议;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 词数:100词左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总字数。

以上就是威廉希尔app 为您提供的高一英语必修一模块期中考试,更多内容请关注威廉希尔app !





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