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威廉希尔app 为大家带来的是高一年级英语Unit3试题,希望大家都可以取得好成绩!



1.他不关心我的经验 He doesn’t _________ _________ my experience.

2.没有东西可以改变他的想法。 Nothing can _______ ________ __________.

3.我们的旅程在海拔超过5000 米处开始。 Our ________ began ______ _______ ________ ________ more than 5000 metres.

4.去年,我们拜访了我们的堂兄弟。 Last year, we _______ our cousins.

5.两年前,我姐姐说服我组织了这次旅行。Two years ago, my sister _________ me ______ ______ the trip.

6. 突然节奏变慢了。 Suddenly, ________ ______ _______.

7.2016年,我将在岐山中学毕业。 In 2016, I will ________ ________ Qisahan Middle School.

8.我保持清醒是为了能赏月。 I _________ ________ to enjoy the moon.

9.穿着红色衣服的孩子是她的女儿。 The girl _______ _______ ______ is her daughter.

10.我们迫不及待地搭起帐篷。 We can hardly wait ______ ________ _______ _______ _____.

11.他这么值得信赖,我们都相信他。 He is ______ reliable ______ we believe him.

12.王薇像往常一样在我的前面骑自行车。 Wang Wei rode in front of me ______ _______.

13.我们在一个叫做中国的一个国家长大。We ______ _____ in a country _______ China.

14.湄公河的源头在青海省。______ ______ of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province.

15.Bryce 搬进了这附近。 Bryce ________ ________ the neighbourhood.

16.多彩的蝴蝶围着我们飞舞。 The colourful butterflies _______ _______ around.

17.雨后空气变得更新鲜了。 After the rain, the air _______ ________.

18.她的枕头变脏了。 ________ ________ ________ __________.

19.池塘里的水结冰了。 The water in the pool ________.


1.He was so embarrassed ________ his cheeks turned completely red.

2.I went to bed that night, ___________(think) of the kiss that might have been.

3.Mom said he stared(盯着) like that __________ he missed Grandma.

4.Your mother may wonder _______ you are.

5.I reminded him _____ your Grandma.

6.If you had a brother _____ a severe handicap, what would you do?

7.She got front-page coverage(头版新闻), because she refused ________(climb) out of a sycamore tree.(梧桐树)

8.Either you come down _____ we are going to cut you down.

9.My grandfather asked me to read the passage __________ prejudice.(偏见)

10.---- I see why you like to come out her.

---- Would you mind ________ (explain) it to your mother?

11._________(high) I got, the more amazed I was by the view.

12.I began to notice _________ wonderful the breeze smelled, like sunshine and wild grass. I couldn’t stop __________(breathe) it in, filling my lungs __________ the sweetest smell I’d ever known.

13.I could sit there for hours, just _________ (look) out at the world.

14.It was during one of those sunsets _________ my father’s ideas of the whole being greater that sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.

15.Are you afraid of _____________________(cycle) at high altitude?

16.They pay me _____ my eggs.

17.-I didn't really understand what he was saying _______ one afternoon when I was up in the sycamore tree.

18.I had often heard my dad talked about _______ difficult life was for Daniel.

19.The more Max talked about the musical exploit, ________ (quiet) my father got.

20.A boy can’t come up with that ______ his own.

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