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49. ----- do you think of the performance yesterday?

----- Not very good.

A. How B. What C. Why D. Where

50. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology so rapidly.

A. has changed B. is changing C. will have changed D. will change

51. ----- Is this raincoat yours?

----- No, mine there behind the door.

A. is hanging B. has hung C. hangs D. hung

52. ----- Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

----- I , but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

53. I don’t really work here, I until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out B. have just helped out

C. am just helping out D. will just help out

54. ----- Have you moved into the new house?

----- Not yet, the rooms .

A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting

55. I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I tea.

A. prefer B. am preferring C. preferred D. have preferred

56. I can guess you were in a hurry. You your sweater inside out.

A. had worn B. wore C. are wearing D. were wearing

57. A new cinema here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built

58. E-mail, as well as telephones, an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play

59. Visitors not to touch the exhibits.

A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested

60. ----- You are drinking too much.

----- Only at home. No one me but you.

A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw

61. ------I’m going to the States.

----- How long you in the States?

A. are; staying B. are; staying C. have; stayed D. did; stay

62. Rain forecasts and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut

63. ---- What did you say?

---- So you to me.

A. won’t listen B. weren’t listening C. aren’t listening D. haven’t listened

64. You television. Why not do something more active?

A. always watch B. are always watching

C. have always watched D. have always been watching

65. ---- Let’s see if the baseball game has started yet.

---- Started? It must be clear who

by now.

A. is winning B. wins C. has won D. would win

66. The volleyball match will be put off if it

. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining

67. --- Why do you stop me, sir?

---- You too fast for safety.

A. had driven B. are driving C. had been driving D. have been driven

68. He is too careless and he keys.

A. always lost B. always loses C. is always losing D. will always lost

69.Teenagers ______________their health because they play computer games too much.

A have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D .will damage

70-.Do you think we should accept that offer?

-Yes, we should ,for we _________such bad luck up till now, and time _______ out.

A. have had ;is running B had; is running

C .have; has been run D .have had; had been run

71..-Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?

-Yes, I did. You know, my brother _____________in the match.

A is playing B was playing C has played D had played

72. —What’s that noise?

—Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _______________.

A was tested B will be tested C is being tested D has been tested

73. I call Hanna many times yesterday evening ,but I couldn’t get through .Her brother _____________on the phone all the time !

A was talking B has been talking C has talked D talked

74.-Have you got any job offers? - No, I ________________.

A waited B had been waiting C have waited D am waiting

75.-Tom,you didn’t come to the party last night?

-I ___________,but I suddenly remember I had homework to do .

A had to B didn’t C was going to D wouldn’t

76.-Have you handed in your homework yet

-Yes, I have .I guess it ____________ now.

A has graded B is graded C is being graded D is grading

77.Ladies and gentlemen ,please fasten your seat belts .The plane ______________.

A takes off B is taking off C has taken off D took off

78.I ___________along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _____________.

A went; was occurring B went ; occurred

C was going ;occurred D was going; had occurred

79.In 1778,Banks was elected ___________ president of the Royal Society,_______________

position he held for 42 years.

A / ; / B /; a C the ; a D the ; the

80.I had to buy _____________these books because I didn’t know which one was the best.

A both B none C neither D all

81.It’s fun to see all the food I have made ____________in such a short time.

A eating B to be eaten C being eaten D eaten

82.Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _______when you’re looking for a job.

A chance B success C effort D advantages

83. High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about _____________ normal trains .

A four times the speed of B the speed four times of

C four times as the speed of D four times the speed of

84.In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep ___________with the rapid changes of society.

A terms B pace C progress D company

85.He is a student at Oxford University ,__________ for a degree in computer science.

A studied B studying C to have studied D to be studying

86.It is often said that the joy of travelling is ______________ in arriving at your destination ____________in the journey itself.

A / ;but B /;or C not ; or D not ; but

87 Would you please __________form foe me to see if I’ve filled it in right?

A take off B look after C give up D go over

88.-What’s the terrible noise? It’s noisy.

-The neighbors ______________ a party .

A have prepared B are preparing C prepare D will prepare

89.Because the shop _______________,all the T-shirt are sold at half price..

A has closed down B closed down

C is closing down D will closed down

90. Ten years ago the population of our village was ____________that of theirs.

A as twice large as B twice as large as

C twice as large as D as twice much as

91. The traffic lights ___________green and I pulled away.

A came B grew C got D went

92.I was still sleeping when the fire _____________,and then it spread quickly.

A broke out B put out C came out D got out

93.The weather was ______________cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.

A really B such C too D so

94.She devoted herself _____________to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.

A strongly B extremely C entirely D freely

95.-There is a story here in the paper about a 110 – year – old man .

-My goodness! I can’t imagine __________that old.

A to be B to have been C being D having been

96.We were disappointed ____________that the match had been cancelled.

A to tell B to have told C to be told D telling

97.Much to our surprise ,he was finally _______________into joining our adventurous travel to the South Pole.

A advised B agreed C admitted D persuaded

98.Bob insisted that he _______________nothing wrong and ______________from work.

A did; won’t be fired B had done ;not be fired

C should do ; mustn’t be fired D do ;shouldn’t be fired

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