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Then something that ___48___ to her changed everything. She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset. The ___49___ told her that God is in his paradise and all is right with the world, and she had ____50____ the truth in that statement.

From that moment on, she turned her life around.

31. A. anxiety       B. urge             C. emotion          D. necessity

32. A. share         B. stare            C. show             D. spare

33. A. in          B. after          C. on            D. behind

34. A. even if         B. in case           C. as if             D. because

35. A. hesitated        B. waited          C. worried             D. refused

36. A. Everybody      B. Somebody       C. Anybody              D. Nobody

37. A. hours          B. days             C. seconds               D. weeks

38. A. heaven         B. space            C. church                 D. temple

39. A. the God        B. the people        C. the passengers           D. the woman

40. A. color           B. quietness         C. beauty                D. sunshine

41. A. improved       B. changed           C. varied                D. failed

42. A. on my own      B. on guard        C. for a start            D. for sure

43. A. where          B. there              C. which                 D. in which

44. A. washing        B. cleaning           C. cooking               D. sewing

45. A. got up          B. brought up         C. picked up              D. looked up

46. A. different        B. similar            C. same                  D. alike

47. A. career          B. occupation         C. employment            D. marriage

48. A. occurred        B. accessed          C. told                  D. happened

49. A. friend          B. customer          C. stranger               D. manager

50. A. noticed         B. recognized         C. discovered            D. founded



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