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必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train2014高一英语试题推荐



高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了2014高一英语试题推荐,希望大家喜欢。

第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. rise A. admit B. frighten C. possible D. distance

2. umbrella A. product B. success C. useful D. circus

3. eagle A. meant B. season C. beautiful D. great

4. ocean A. appreciate B. science C. camel D. chance

5. expert A. examine B. exist C. exhausted D. exercise

第二节 情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


A: Hello. Welcome to our Talk Show. I’m Julia. Today our honored guest is Mrs. Zhang, a teacher from No.1 middle school. Hello, Mrs. Zhang.

B: Hello, Julia.

A:       6

B: Nowadays, lots of students especially girls are losing weight to keep slim. Some even don’t eat anything for a few days.       7

A: Why on earth would she do that?       8        That sounds crazy.

B: Yeah. But that’s what she did.

A: I really can’t believe that.

B: To be honest, it’s not the girl’s fault. You can see and hear this sentence “It’s better to be thin” everywhere.

A:       9

B: I think students need to do more exercise. You know students spend much time sitting at the table. Exercise can make body stronger. Besides, they should have a balanced diet.

A:       10        Thanks for your advice.

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2014高一英语试题推荐,供大家参考。


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