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w.5 Y k J.cOM shops, restaurants and places of work, etc.

C. It is the name of a composer of back-ground music.

D. Both A and B

73. It had been proved that “Muzak” can ____ .

A. improve productivity B. create a pleasant atmosphere

C. cause an entire factory to sleep D. all of the above

74. The studies of American company show that ____ .

A. “Muzak” is not good in factories B. “Muzak” is welcomed everywhere

C. “Muzak” can get rid of sleeplessness D. the wrong kind of “Muzak” could be harmful

75. Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Background music is only used in the USA.

B. Background music is used all over the world except in the USA.

C. Most shops and restaurants use background music now.

D. It is very difficult to listen to background music.









Last year, on the day before Father’s Day, one               76.________

of my articles published in a newspaper. It was the                  77.________

first time that I have an article published. I told my                  78.________

friend Lucy and encourage her to write articles for                  79.________

newspapers, but she said hers articles were not good                80.________

enough. I kept telling her, “Just to try.” Several                     81._______

months later, she was glad to finding one of her                    82.________

article in a newspaper. Sometimes things are not as                 83.________

difficulty as you imagine. Have a try. You may fail but              84.________ 


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