Text l
W:1 wonder if I could book a room for next Sunday.
M:Sure,no problem.Your name and address,please.
Text 2 ,
M:Excuse me,where’s the sound lab?
W:The sound lab? It’s next to Room l03.
M:Which direction?
W:Over there.
Text 3
M:My mother believes that our diet should contain fruit and fish as well as meat and Vegetables.
W:I like vegetables and fruit more than meat and fish.
Text 4
M:Now,what’S the problem,Madam?
W:Oh,yes.My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday.It is Vcry nice,but it’s not the color l want.Do you have any blue ones?
Text 5
W:1 wonder if you haye time to go to the market today.We haVe altoost run out of bread.
M:You’d better do that.My report is not finished yet,but my boss needs it tomorrow,
Text 6
M:Hi,Sue,how’s it going?
W:Oh,hi,Frank.Just fine.How are your grades?
M:Pretty good.I’m glad this is my last term here,though.
W:Why is that? I thought you were enjoying sch001.
M:I was,but now l’m getting tired of it.I’m ready for the real world.
W:What are you planning to do when you graduate?
M:First l want to traveI a lime bit,and then l want to get a good job as a computer specialist•
w:Sounds good。I still have three terms to go before I graduate.
M:I’m sure you’11 do well! See you later.
Text 7
M:Excuse me,Madam. I’m wondering when to use the saying“Fingers were made before forks”.
w:When a person forgets good manners,puts aside his knife and fork,and dives into his food,someone is likely to say this phrase. {
M:Oh,I see。
w:The fork was an ancient agricuhural too1,but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the ll th century,when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy,did the custom reach Europe.The English explanation was that Italians were against eating food with their fingers.Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in Eng1and during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
M:Oh,thank you very much.
W:You’re welcome.
M:Before the end of this semester,you’re supposed to hand in your research report. 1 will write the deadlines on the blackboard.First of all,you have to do some basic brainstorming,and that’s due by January 31,which is two weeks away.
W:Do we have to have our outline by then?
M:N0,your outline is due on February 7,which is a week later.
W:When do we have to be doing the research?
M:That should be done over a month,basically from February to March.
W:And what about the writing?
M:Well,you can’t really get going on your writing until you’ve finished the research.So that’s really from March to May,with the due date on the 21 st.Any more questions?
Text 9
W:Stephen’S a very special boy.isn’t he?
M:Yes,he is.In many ways,he doesn’t have the normal abilities of bovs his age.It’s very difficult for him to read and write in my class,for example.Many eight-year—old boys can do much more than he can.But,of course,he has a special gift.
W:In drawing?
M:Yes,he has always been good at it. Stephen can look at any building for about 5 minutes and then draw it perfectly.
W:Tell us about some of the drawings he has done.
M:Well,he has’drawn some very famous buildings like the Doge’s Palace in Venice and the Kremlin in Moscow.They are wonderfully drawn. Some famous artists looked at his drawings and said that Stephen’s an excellent painter.
W:And he just looks at these buildings for a few minutes and then draws them?
M:That’s right.It’s very strange,isn’t it? He has such a special gift in one area but finds other things difficult.
Text l0
Now everybody,attention,please.On Saturday evenin9,there is going to be a lecture given by a well-known American writer,Sarah Jones.You may have read her latest novel.It’s in all the bookshops at the moment.Well.she is giving a lecture at
8:00 on Saturday evening in the library.That’s the building next to Allen Hall,the English Department Building.Miss Jones has just returned from Africa and will talk about all her experiences there.She traveled through 3 different countries and met lots of interesting people.Now,I’d like to remind you that the lecture is for everyone,not just for the fourth—year students.I’m sure the lecture will
be very interesting and I hope you all will have a great time.
Dear John,
The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, which is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. There are various kinds of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. On that day,the moon kooks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon.
To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. I love it very much
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