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Son’s Help

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid that the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly a few policemen opened the door and came in.

“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”

61. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A. he was a worker B. he worked in a factory

C. he had a lot of work to do D. he had worked there for a long time

62. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A. she couldn’t find any work B. she thought her husband was tired

C. her husband spent all time in gambling D. she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

63. _______, so he was put into lockup.

A. Mr. Lang often gambled B. Mr. Lang was late for work

C. Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home D. Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police

64. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A. he didn’t love her any longer B. he wouldn’t stop gambling

C. he had been put into lockup D. he was hardly sent away by the factory

65. Which of the following is right?

A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.

B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen.

C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.

D. The boy hoped his mother to come back.


A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.

There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour(酸味的) milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time. But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

66. Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

A. Eggs, tomatoes and chicken. B. Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.

C. Corn, fish, cream and pork. D. Rice, beancurd(豆腐), apples, fish and chicken.

67. Which of the following is a good eating habit?

A. Going to school without any breakfast

B. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.

C. Having at least one food from all four groups each meal.

D. Having different food from all four food groups.

68. In this passage the writer mainly tells us that _____.

A. every person needs food to grow well

B. taking exercise can keep your body strong

C. the right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy

D. enough energy helps people think more quickly

69. The underlined word “dairy” in the second passage means _____.

A. the food made out of cows such as milk and butter B. the shop that sells milk and butter

C. a farm where cows are kept D. a place where milk products are made.

70. The best title for this passage is _____.

A. The Four Food Groups B. A Healthy Diet

C. Your Body And Food D. Food And Your Health


Western New Bridge Library Announcement

Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break

Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (9∶00 a. m.—4∶00 p. m. ) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.

Coming Events

◆On Monday, March 24, at 10∶30 a. m. , Scott Sutton, a children’s writer, will tell stories to kids over seven. Sutton’ s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present !

◆At 2∶00 p. m. , on March 25, a lecture will be delivered in Room 201, which focuses on the development of writing skill. Famous tutors from the district won’ t disappoint you.

◆At 1∶00 p. m. ,on March 26, the Georgetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!

◆On Thursday, March 27, at 2∶00 p. m. , the annual Children’ s Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children’ s Room and return your RSVP (回复)to reserve your seat at the table by 3∶00 p. m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.

◆At 10∶30 a.m. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kids’ science show, ENZOology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover(揭开) the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show — come and see him at the library!

Please note: In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926 3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these, please contact hld @ wnbl. corg.

Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Books!

71. Tim wants to improve his writing skill, it is best for him to attend the related activity on________.

A. Monday        B. Tuesday

C. Thursday D. Friday

72. Which of the following descriptions about the annual Children’ s Gathering is true?

A. Tickets are a must in order to attend it.

B. Only those who have received an invitation are admitted in the Gathering.

C. You have to make a reply to the invitation to make sure you get a seat.

D. You’ d better apply in advance(提前)because there are not enough seats for everyone.

73. Which of the following is NOT true according to the announcement?

A. The children who are interested in the mysteries of killer dinosaurs can attend the Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday.

B. Children can’ t attend all the activities with their parents.

C. Children can choose more than one of the activities.

D. Children can borrow some relevant books for the activities.

74. If there is an emergency, you should________.

A. call the Help Desk

B. contact hld @ wnbl. corg

C. stay in the library and wait

D. ring 926 3637

75. The announcement is mainly intended for________.

A. staff members of the library

B. parents of the school children

C. the school children

D. volunteers of the activities




Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 76 . Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to(涉及、提及) when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers different ways to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 77 . When you take notes, remember that it is a selective process. 78 .

The following tips may work best for you.

◆ Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

◆ Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

◆ Write your notes in your own words.

◆ 79 . You may even use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols(记号) and that you use them all the time. 80 .

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking ways.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. You will also want to develop your own method(方法)for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to write down in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.




81. It was based more on German than the English we speak at p .

82. She gave me a d look——the kind that said she would not change her mind.

83. The problem c up at the meeting yesterday.

84. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were t under the ruins.

85. Nearly everything was destroyed in the earthquake. People began to wonder how long the d would last.

86. As a m of fact, I don’t like travelling.

87. When your friend is angry, you should try to c him or her down.

88. We were all (震惊)when we heard the news.

89. I don’t want to set down a of (一系列) facts in a diary as most people do.

90. The price depends on the (质量).


91. The astronomer told us the moon moved around the earth.

92. The story was so interesting that no one got tired from it.

93. She suggested them start the work at once.

94. I prefer to play football rather than to go fishing.

95. Half a million pigs and million of chickens were dead.

96. This is the best film which I have ever seen.

97. The boy, his mother died last year, studied hard.

98. In fact, he is out of the work now.

99. She devoted her to the scientific research.

100. The number of visitors to China have now increased.


101. 五个月前的另一次,傍晚时分,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。

102. 尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善美。

103. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。

104. 那天下午的晚些时候,唐山又发生了另外一次地震,这一次几乎和第一次一样强烈。

105. 因此,到十七世纪,莎士比亚(Shakespeare)能够利用的词汇量比以往的任何时期都大。


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