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听力:1-5 CABBB 6-10 CAABC 11-15 ABACA 16-20 BBAAB

单选:21-25 ACDBC 26-30 BCDBD 31-35 CDBAC

完型:36-40 BADCB 41-45 DABCB 46-50 ADAAC 51-55CDBAA

阅读:56-60 DCBDA 61-65 BCDBD 66-70 DGAFE

71. ignored 72. purpose 73. recognized 74. present 75. Actually

76. attitude 77. digging 78. equal 79. damaged 80. journal

81. decide—decided 82. take后加a 83. after---for

84. envelope---envelopes 85. were---was 86. easy---easily 87. 去掉to 88. At---In 89. hard和is之间加it 90. we---us

One possible version:

Li Lei,

I am really sorry that you lost your wallet. But you are only making more trouble for yourself by not telling your parents the truth. You are getting into debt with your friends, who although will be happy to help for a while, will soon become tired of giving you their money.

Also your studies are being affected as you cannot concentrate. The only way to solve this problem is to talk to your parents. They likely to be angry, but they won’t be angry forever. They love you and just want the best for you.

The longer you leave this problem, the worse it will become for you. Now you must fix it before things become much more serious.






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