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第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A rich man was camping alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain made the tent wet. At last he 36 make his way home. As he passed a beautiful house he 37 to look for rest. A lady in 38 walked past him with her 39 holding up high. Following her were her two pretty daughters. They stopped and stared at him 40 .

“Who are you? We don’t like tramps(流浪汉)going 41 our home .”one of them shouted.

“Go away at once. ”cried the other.

“But I’m not a 42 . ”said the man, “All I want is food and stay for the night.”

“How 43 you come here? Go away at once!” they 44 , “We don’t like your feetaroundour house. Go, go!”

The man moved on and reached a 45 house. On entering it he saw a 46 preparing their supper. Though the light was 47 and the furniture was poor, it made him feel warm and comfortable.

“Can I have some 48 and rest for the night?” he asked.“Of course, friend,” said the woman, 49 forward a little chair for him. “We are going to 50 our supper. Come and 51 us.”

The food was not 52 but they shared it with the stranger. That night they let him sleep on their bed 53 they themselves used the stable(厩). Early the next morning,the man said good-bye to them. Their 54 left him a memory full of thanks.

When he reached home he 55 ordered a lovely house to be built for the couple in the woods.

36.A.had to B.must C.should D.would

37.A.tried B.managed C.asked D.stopped

38.A.sight B.cloth C.silk D.trouble

39.A.nose B.head C.eyes D.hands

40.A.curiously B.suddenly C.surprisingly D.angrily

41.A.around B.over C.to D.at

42.A.madam B.tramp C.thief D.stranger

43.A.do B.can C.will D.dare

44.A.explained B.continued C.repeated D.announced

45.A.big B.small C.lovely D.dirty

46.A.woman B.man C.person D.couple

47.A.weak B.bright C.dark D.strong

48.A.cloth B.light C.food D.chair

49.A.taking B.bringing C.giving D.pulling

50.A.prepare B.cook C.buy D.have

51.A.join B.help C.attend D.enjoy

52.A.enough B.scary C.short D.lot

53.A.and B.while C.then D.when

54.A.coldness B.sickness C.kindness D.thank

55.A.quickly B.finally C.happily D.quietly


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