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10. They broke their __-to Beijing and stayed the night at a hotel.

A trip B voyage C tour D journey

11 What is the ___for different kinds of transport in your city?

A fee B pay C value D fare

12. What have you been doing ___I last saw you ?

A from B ever since C when D until

13 He is stubborn. I cannot __him into accepting my way of thinking.

A propose B persuade C suggest D advise

14. His future has not____yet,but he may study medicine.

A been determined B determined C been determining D determining

15. It was several months before our trip ___Jack and I went to the library for the information about the destination.

A where B when C that D which

16. My brother doesn't really ___tea,,;he like coffee better.

A . care for B care about C look for D. look after

17. The boy insisted that he ___the glass. He said that he was not there then.

A hadn’t broken B didn't break C haven’t broken D not break

18. Having argued for about an hour ,he ___to my view at last.

A gave off B gave out C gave in D gave up

19 . He opened his lips____to say something, but he said nothing.

A as if B even if C as long as D as soon as

20. I’m not easily ___,but that look is really ____.

A shocked shocked B shocked shocking

C. shocking shocked D shocking shocking

21. Most of the students of our school ,___had visited the science museum,were astonished by the inventions at home and abroad.

A which B where C who D that

22. Her face ___ great joy when Mrs White knew that her son had been admitted to Harvad.

Aexplained B caused C stated D expressed

23 His speech was heard by a group of judges,___agreed that it was the best one in this year.

A whose B which C all of whom D all of which

24 ___you know , Stephen Hawking is famous for his theory of black holes.

A When B If C As D Which

25 Rather than ___by himself,I prefer to talk about it with my classmates first.

A write B writing C to write D wrote

26 Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she ___me to buy one.

A suggested B hoped C persuaded D insisted

27 ___she has made up her mind, nothing can change it .

A Unless B Once C Until D Before

28____Joe saw the film “ET”____by Steven Spielberg, he made up his mind to become a director t

A The very first time that ;directed B. The very first time when ; directing

C For the first time; to direct D At first ; being directed

29. When we rode like snowmen along the way, children __long wool coats stopped to look at us.

A dressing up B dressed in C dressed up as D dressing down

30.The river makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains__rice grows.

A which B that C when D where


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