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【摘要】大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂。下面是威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理的高一英语期中考试手抄报练习题,希望对大家有帮助。


英语精练 (17)



1.----- -- I didn’t pass the English exam last week .

-------- oh, you didn’t listen to your teacher and you _______ hard at your lessons.

A. should study B. should have studied C. shouldn’t have studied D. must have studied

2.Some students have trouble _____ maths while others have great difficulty _____ English words.

A. in , learn B. for , learn C. on , remembering D. with , remembering

3.Many questions ______ at the meeting , but none has been settled by far.

A. came up B. was raised C. came up with D. was asked

4. Is it on September 1st _____ students come back to school every year ?

A. when B. that C. which D. who

5. I hear a number of workers in the factory _____ out of work and the number of them ______ quite large .

A. are , is B. is , are C. is , is D. are, are

6.Some students found _____ hard ro study English well . A. this B. it C. that D. which

7.Tom asked me______ for the new shirt and he wanted to buy one too.

A. how much did I paid B. how much I paid

C. how much would I pay D.how much I would pay

8.Tom is a good student and he is never late for school ______ it rains heavily .

A as if B. even if C. because D. as though

9.______ a strange flower ! I’ve never seen it before.

A. What B. How C. Which D. Whether

10. You look so curious (好奇) about Beijing .Is this the first time that you _____ here ?

11. ______ the door bell, my homework was put down .

A,. While hearing B. While heard C. While was hearing D. When I heard

12.That the teacher was angry was not because the boy was late for class but _____ what he said in class .

A. because B. since C. as D. because of

13.______ make her angry , I said something bad in face of her _____.

A. In order to , on purpose B. So as to , on purpose

C. So as to , by mistake D. In order to , in surprise

14.At the _____ of the guests , the singer sang a beautiful song again .

A. suggestion B. request C. demand D. requirement

15.---- Tom , give me your report this Saturday .

-----I’m sorry , sir. I can’t finish it until next Monday . ________ ?

A. Is that all right B. Is that right C. Do you think so D. Is that a good idea




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