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高一英语练习题Unit5 Theme Parks




Unit 5 Theme Parks

1. Unlike traditional park, t________ parks often want to teach visitors something.

2. Today many people are experiencing the joy of the a_________ park for the first time.

3. There’s gas e________ somewhere. Can you smell it?

4. When in conferences, he often leaves for v________ reasons.

5. They will c________ at least $600 for moving the piano.

6. The _________(设备) of Information Technology is expensive indeed.

7. Only a m_______(少数)of students receive(s) the scholarship.

8. Many people would agree that it is one of the most technologically _________(先进的) theme parks in the world after visiting Futuroscope on France.

9. Stop looking for the perfect job---it’s just a ________ (幻想).

10. In science fictions, aliens are _________(生物) from the outer world.

11. You’d better leave now if you want to _________(弄清楚) of getting there on time.

12. You are very cool with your family, but with your friends you really ____________(活跃).

13. What I said about Tom ________(对……适用) everyone in our class.

14. Tasmania ___________(以……命名) its discoverer, A.J. Tasman.

15. How many countries will ____________(参加) in the next Olympic Games, do you know?

16. The teacher said to Bruce that he should come to class on time_________(以后).

17. Don’t _______(卷入) me in solving the troublesome situation.

18. The architecture (建筑) in the town center is a successful _______(结合) of old and new.

19. We should __________(准备) any trouble that may happen.

20. Don’t worry, but I will try to _______(分摊,均分) the cost with you.


1. theme 2. amusement 3. escaping 4. various 5. charge

6. equipment 7. minority 8. advanced 9. fantasy 10. creatures

11. make certain 12. come to life 13. goes for 14. was named after

15. take part in 16. involve 17. system 18. combination

19. prepare for/ be prepared for 20. share

【总结】:高一英语练习题就为大家介绍到这了,希望高一的同学们好好学习,在高一阶段打好基础。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。




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