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高一英语检测题Unit2 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing(必修1 )




1.—What did her brother say to her?

—He ________ her ________ weight to stay fit.

A.suggested;to lose    B.offered;to lose

C.advised;to lose D.advised;lose

解析:选C。祈使句的间接引语可以用advise sb.to do sth.或advise/suggest sb.doing sth.或offer to do sth.;故只有C项符合。

2.My mother asked me to show my homework to her.

My mother said to me,“Show ________ homework.”

A.her my B.me your

C.her your D.me his

解析:选B。间接引语中的her在直接引语中应和my一致,故用me,间接引语中的my在直接引语中应换成you r。

3.“When did John leave for China?” Mary asked me.

Mary asked me when John ________ for China.

A.did leave B.leave

C.had left D.left


4.“Don’t play football in the teaching bui lding.”said the headmaster.

The headmaster told us ________ football in the teaching building.

A.to not play B.not to play

C.not playing D.not played

解析:选B。tell sb.not to do sth.“告诉某人不要做某事”。

5.I told you ________ that car,and now look and see what has happened.

A.not buy B.not to buy

C.don’t buy D.not buying

解析:选B。not to buy为动词不定式的否定式作宾语补足语。

6.—Joyce,please don’t talk in class.


—I ________ talk in class.

A.tell you don’ t B.tell you not to

C.told you didn’t D.told you not to


7.—What did she say just now?

—She said that she ________ come this weekend because of illness.

A.can’t B.couldn’t

C.won’t D.may not


8.—What did the school say to the building workers?

—The school asked them ________ any noise during the examination.

A.not make B.not to make

C.not making D.don’t make

解析:选B。考查间接引语。ask sb.(not)to do sth.意为“要求某人(不要)做某事”。

9.The result of the examination shows ________.

A.what gr eat progress did you make

B.why did you make such progress

C.such great progress you will make

D.that you have made great progress


10.—Hi!Tom and John,Lily is waiting for you!

—What did he say to us?


A.He said that Lily is waiting for us

B.He said that Lily was waiting for us

C.He asked if Lily was waiting for them

D.He ordered Lily to wait for us

解析:选B。直接引语如果是陈述句变间接引语用(that)引导宾 语从句, 时态退后一步,且第二人称变为第一人称,因此答案为B。

【总结】:高一英语检测题就为大家介绍到这了,希望高一的同学们好好学习,在高一阶段打好基础。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。




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